49 | the sub sinker

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Meanwhile Jerry and Milton were in some kind of war at school after Jerry had managed to get their latest geometry sub to quit, Azalea, Jack, Kim and Rudy were setting up for a movie marathon in the dojo.

"Zalee, this is gonna be the greatest ninja marathon ever," Jack said excitedly, "I mean, three full days."

"I can't believe you managed to get me to skip school for this," Azalea said, "My heart is clenching uncomfortably in my chest"

"Zalee, you are not skipping," Jack deadpanned, "Principal Funderburk forced you to take a three days break because you haven't had a sick day since first grade."

"It still doesn't feel right," Azalea admitted, "Although he did say that he'd give me attendance as long as I don't correct his spelling in the future three months."

"I hear they are gonna break the record for the most ninja attacks per hour," Kim joined the conversation.

"We are living in a golden age," Jack said seriously.

"Behold!" Rudy entered the dojo with an at least three feet long sandwich, "The Heart Stopper! Three feet of bread, eight different meats, ten pounds of cheese," he placed it on the table, "What are you guys gonna eat? This is literally the happiest moment of my life."

Rudy bent over to take a bite when his girlfriend, Ms. Applebaum, yelled loudly as she entered the dojo, "Rudy! I need your help!"

"The girlfriend," Rudy groaned before turning around and smiling sweetly, "Hey, munchkin."

"I'm not happy," Bethany said as she walked towards them with a baby, "I'm watching my nephew Booker for the week, and he is a little meanie. He never shows me any affection and today he got kicked out of nursery school for poking another child. I'm gonna say it. I think he is a — poker."

"Then why did you bring him here?" Azalea asked, remembering the last time they had children in the dojo.

"That is a sad, sad story," Rudy said, "Thanks for sharing. I'll see ya."

"Wait, Rudy," Bethany said when he tried to push her out of the dojo, "You and I are gonna spend every moment teaching Booker that the poke is no joke."

"No — I — uh," Rudy looked back at the teenagers who were looking at the tv, pretending not to listen, "I have a better idea. Why don't you leave Booker with us."

"Why should she do that, Rudy?" Azalea asked with a clearly fake smile.

"So I can watch the marathon," Rudy said with a twin smile, "Or I could lock the place up and no one can watch it."

"We will watch the boy," Jack said quickly, "You deserve a break."

"I think, like, at a spa for three days," Kim suggested, "Not a moment less."

"And Rudy will pay for everything," Jack offered with a smile, earning a glare from the older man.

"Really?" Bethany giggled, "Rudy, are you sure you can handle this?"

"Are you kidding?" he picked up a bag and shoved it to Jack, "I teach kids discipline and respect for a living. Come here," he took Booker from Bethany, "Couple of days with Uncle Rudy and his poking will be a thing of the past."

"The marathon is starting," Kim whispered.

"Thanks, Rudy," Bethany leaned forward to kiss him but he started pushing her towards the door.

"Yeah, yeah, kiss, kiss, bye-bye," Rudy said and when Bethany was out of sight he walked over and placed the boy on the couch, "Okay, now you listen to me, little man. Uncle Rudy is gonna watch his ninja marathon and you are gonna sit there-"

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