34 | hit the road jack

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"Hey, where have you guys been?" Rudy asked as Azalea, Kim and Jack entered the dojo, "Practice started a half hour ago."

"Sorry, Rudy. It's Wednesday. We volunteer at the nursing home," Jack explained to him,

"We volunteer at the nursing home," Rudy mimicked Jack, sounding like a baby.

"Actually they volunteer, I was forced," Azalea piped up.

"Get your priorities straight, people," Rudy snapped, "Just like Azalea."

"So you want all of us to have same sensitivity as Voldemort?" Jack snorted, earning a death glare from his girlfriend, "Hey, your words, not mine."

"Tomorrow is the Champions Tournament!" Rudy continued.

"Where I am getting my orange belt," Eddie added proudly from behind Rudy.

"I said we're proud of you, now zip it!" Rudy silenced the boy.

"Rudy, man, you're a little wound up," Jack said a little shocked, "but we are ready for the tournament. Azalea has been helping me with my spinning back-kick."

"Yeah, show him, Jack," Azalea picked up a board as Jack prepared himself. She held it up and Jack did a perfect spinning back-kick.

"That is perfect," Rudy told him, "You need to do exactly that tomorrow. You never know who's gonna be watching you."

"Sounding a little stalker-ish there, bro," Azalea said, getting a little suspicious. Despite not being the most stable person, Rudy wouldn't get this anxious and annoying if he wasn't hiding something.

"My whole family is coming to watch me get my orange belt," Eddie smiled proudly.

"Oh, please. Let it go," Rudy groaned.

"We are all very proud of you, Eddie," Azalea patted his shoulder.


Azalea sat beside Milton on the staircase in school, watching Eddie and Jerry hand out flyers for the tournament. "Yo, yo. Karate tournament tonight, ladies," Jerry flirted but the girls just walked past him.

Eddie and Jerry shared a look, smirking before both of them said, "Jack is gonna be there." The girls turned back and took one flyer each.

Azalea rolled her eyes at their eagerness. She knew Jack was the most popular guy in school and she wasn't blind nor deaf, she had seen how all other girls looked at him and had been standing next to him on a few occasions when they flirted with him.

It wasn't his fault that no one knew that he was taken and he would always turned the girls down, so she really shouldn't be jealous about it. Not to mention that she was the one who wanted to keep their relationship a secret in order to avoid having Rudy interfering.

"Hey, tell Jack my friends and I will be at the tournament to cheer him on," Lorie, a girl in their grade with an enormous crush on Jack.

"I'm competing also, so I guess you will be cheering me on too, right?" Jerry flirted, or at least tried.

"Jerry you and I will never—"

Jerry shushed her by placing a finger on her lips, "Let's not rush this, okay? Let it breathe."

"He put his finger on my lips and it smelled like feet," Lorie said in disgust, "Oh!" she screamed before storming away followed by her friends.

"Jerry, I don't say this enough, but I really appreciate you as a friend," Azalea smirked, watching the girl storm away with delight.

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