24 | eddie cries uncle

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The gang was in the middle of a basketball match and needless to say, Azalea was two seconds away from throwing the ball in one of her friend's heads considering how bad they were playing.

"Welcome to your worst nightmare" Milton tried to trash talk one of their rivals when he blocked him, "You can't go over. You can't go around" he confirmed only for the guy to walk around him, "Ah, I said you can't go around!"

The other team scored again and the crowd sighed. "Time-out, guys" Jack yelled, "Come on, time-out. Time-out."

The referee blew the whistle and they gathered in a circle. "All right, the good news is we've already got our highest score of the year" Jack tried to stay positive.

"That's right...  nine!" Kim cheered.

"And how many of those did I score? That's right, nine" Azalea glared at her friends. She wasn't the best looser and it was pretty hard to carry an entire team on her shoulders and stay nice.

"We got time for one more shot" Jack said, "What do you saw we go out with style?"

"Who made you the captain? I'm clearly the most talented and experienced" Azalea said, team sports bringing out an ugly side of her.

"And you are also the least likeable right now" Jack pointed out before realising what he had said, "Yeah, I'm paying for that later."

"Yo, give me the ball. I'm feeling it, man! Woo!" Jerry said confidently.

"You haven't scored in five games" Azalea deadpanned, "Not to mention that it was the first time you ever scored."

"Do not give me the ball. I'm not feeling it, man!" Jerry changed his mind, still bouncing around them.

"Well, I can't take it" Jack said, "I've had four guys covering me all game. And one of them is Jerry."

"No ones guarding me. I wanted to be a part of something" Jerry defended.

"There is a reason no one is guarding you, honey" Azalea sighed, "and I can't score. Ever since the last time I have almost been bulldozed to the floor twice."

"I don't want that germ-infested ball" Milton said, "Did you see what number 11 was scratching befor he shot his last free throw?"

"Well, I guess it's time for me to pull out some of the old Globetrotter magic" Eddie stood up, throwing an invisible ball into the hoop.

"That's great. You're going to do some of your uncle's moves?" Jack asked hopefully.

"Who's his uncle?" Kim asked confused.

"Only Big Easy" Eddie said proudly, "One of the biggest of the Harlem Globetrotters."

"Are you kidding? I love those guys!" Kim exclaimed excitedly.

"All right, all right, it's settled" Jerry said, "Eddie's getting the  and I'll cover Jack."

"Eddie, remember" Jack said as they spread out on the court, "let's go out with style."

"Style, my man" Jerry cheered, "Let's get it, whoo!"

Jack passed Eddie the ball and he dribbled it towards the goal. But when he threw it he somehow hit the fire alarm. "Okay, everybody. Remain calm" Milton yelled, "There will be no panic. No run-"

Milton was interrupted when Marge knocked him over while running out of the gym. "Too much style?" Eddie asked awkwardly.

"Are you kidding me?" Jack laughed, "Now that's how you lose a basketball game!"


"Uh" Jerry said sceptically as Marge gave him a bowl of something brown, "Is this brown stuff pudding or gravy?"

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