29 | dojo day care

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"Man, I can't believe how much bigger they are making the mall" Jack said as they walked towards the dojo, through the mall that was now a big construction site.

"You know, we really shouldn't be here without hard hats" Eddie told them.

"Why?" Milton asked sceptically.

"You see that guy way up there eating his lunch?" Eddie asked looking up, "He drops a potato chip from that height it will cut you in half." He imitated a slicing noise.

"I'd be a bit more worried about falling bricks or beams than a potato chip that definitely would have been taken away by the wind, if I were you" Azalea said, rolling her eyes at his paranoia.

"Scientifically, that's not true" Milton agreed with her.

"Are you two calling my mother a liar?" Eddie asked them.

"No, I'm just saying that the woman's extremely loose with her science" Milton shot back as the two looked at each other threateningly.

"Should we stop them?" Azalea whispered to Jack who draped his arm over her shoulder instead and started leading her away.

"Nah, the worst thing that can happen is Eddie trying to slice Milton with a potato chip."


Apparently Jerry had done something stupid, as usual, but this time he had managed to get himself expelled from school. But he made a deal with the principal that he would babysit his son in order to not get expelled, which brought them to their current situation.

"Jerry, this is my dojo!" Rudy exclaimed, "It's a place of honour, respect and integrity" he hit a toy on the small table in front of him and the sound of pigs snorting and cows moos rang through the dojo.

What used to be their sparring area was now filled with kids toys, a ball pit and kids sized furniture. "Come on, Rudy. If we don't do this I will be expelled."

"This is not a day care center" Rudy said firmly, "and it never will be."

"Dojo Day Care Center" the principal walked in dressed like a flamenco dancer, carrying his two year old son. "What a concept. You are really gonna love it here, Byron."

"I'm nipping this in the bud right now" Rudy stood.

"Rudy, come on-"

"Principal Buckett-"

"Who do I make out the $100 check to?" Principal Buckett asked.

"That would be Rudy Gillespie" Rudy smiled sweetly when he realised there was money involved.

"You are so easily bought" Azalea rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Un, Milton, Eddie, take Byron, put him in the ball pit and give him a graham cracker."

"I'm not touching this little snotbag" Milton protested, "That thing is wearing a toilet."

"And still, he is not the baby here" Azalea said, "I will take him, Principal Buckett."

"Oh, Azalea, you work here too" the principal smiled, "Then I know my son will be perfectly cared after."

"Of course," Azalea said with a tense smile, "Always perfect."

"There you go, later Byron" he gave her the baby.

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