23 | we are family

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"Six and a half horsepower engine" Jack said dreamily as they watched the new go cart that was on sale in the mall.

"Aluminium rims with independent suspension" Eddie added in a similar tone.

"Four-wheel servo-drive disk brakes" Milton continued.

"It's — red" Jerry finished.

"It's like reading the sells article in the magazine" Azalea said, rolling her eyes at the boys enthusiasm.

"Hey guys!" Kim said and they turned around to greet her only to let out scream when they saw her horrible, poodle like, hairstyle.




"Kim, wow!"

"You look like a poodle."

"Yeah, you look — different" Milton said at loss of words, "Hit date tonight?"

"With a clown?" Jack added with a smirk only to earn a slap on the arm from Azalea, although the red head did nothing to hide her own smirk.

"Go ahead and laugh, but I just got us ten bucks closer to buying that go-cart" Kim said showing them the ten dollar bill. "Wilford Beauty College is paying people to be their practice dummy."

"My cousin Chewie goes there" Jerry said as they walked towards the dojo, "You know, for his final, he trimmed my grandmother's moustache. He went through three pairs of scissors. But he got most of it."

"Wait, Jerry is related to Chewbacca?" Azalea asked with a dramatic gasp, "This explains so much."

"Man, I can't wait till we get that go-cart" Eddie said and everyone started talking at the same time as they walked inside the dojo.

"All right, time to kick in" Milton said opening his locker, "I made 40 bucks by visiting my great-aunt Betty. Every time I go, she thinks it's my birthday and gives me money" he took out the money jar and Kim placed her bucks in it. "I went four times yesterday."

"And I went twice" Jack said proudly, throwing in his twenty bucks which caused Milton to look at him confused.

"Cindy Connors gave me ten bucks to stop asking her out in front of her boyfriend" Eddie explained, putting his money in.

"And I walked Mrs Beverly's chihuahua for a week which earned me fifty dollars" Azalea said taking the dollar bill out of her back pocket, "and several scratch marks because that dog hates me."

"Someone put an IOU in here" Milton said picking up a purple note, "Took five bucks to buy a foot-long at Captain Corndog's. It's dope, yo. Whoo!"

"Who would do something like that?" Jerry asked eating a corndog.

"Dude, come on, Jerry" Jack said annoyed, "You're the only one who hadn't contributed to the go-cart fund."

"I don't have the talent to make money" Jerry said, "I even tried selling doors, door-to-door. You know how hard it is to find a house without a door?"

"Eddie made ten bucks by annoying a girl until she paid him to stay away, I'm sure you could have managed something similar" Azalea said, also annoyed at the boy's laziness.

"You guys are never gonna guess how I just made ten dollars" Rudy when entering the dojo with some weird hairstyle.

"You went to the same dog-saloon as Kim?" Azalea asked sarcastically.

"Uh, practice dummy at the Wilford Beauty College?" Kim said.

"No, I sold my old golf shoes" Rudy said, "What's this about a beauty college?"

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