33 | the chosen one

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Everyone was seated inside Rudy's car, with Azalea sitting in the passenger seat and the others spread out in the back. "What is taking Jerry so long?" Eddie complained, "We are going to miss this movie."

"We are going to see a movie?" Kim asked surprised, "You guys told me we were going to get pizza."

"Me too," Azalea exclaimed, looking between the guys.

"That's because if we told you two we were going to see Secret Agent Moose you wouldn't have wanted to go," Jack shrugged.

"That's because it's about freaking secret — agent — moose," Azalea emphasised every word in the title, "You guys suck at choosing movies."

Jerry then danced over to the car, looking extremely proud of something which only agitated Eddie further, "Where have you been?"

"Check out my necklace," Jerry showed them the necklace proudly, "Yeah, I got it from one of those crane machines. That's a moon rock, bro. From the moon."

"Do you honestly believe that rock is from the moon?" Azalea inquired, loosing all hope for the boy.

"What you think they fill those arcade crane machines with junk?" Jerry snorted.

"Sometimes you are just too stupid to insult, "Azalea leaned her head against the window.

"Oh great," Rudy groaned, "Now I'm boxed in by a car full of bald dudes. Jerry, tell me how much room I have."

Jerry walked out of sight for them so he was standing by the trunk of the car, "Ah, come on back Rudy. You've got plenty of room," he told them and Rudy started to back, "A little more, a little more, a litt-"

The sound of the car crashing into another car made all of them jump in fright, "That's good," Jerry said.

"Oh god," Azalea said, burying her head in her hands, "I'm really starting to relate to Scar, because I really am surrounded by idiots."

"Okay, that was not my fault," Rudy defended himself which was followed by the sound of car doors opening, "Oh, great, now they are getting out." Rudy grabbed Azalea's shoulder to get her attention, "They look like Shaolin Warriors."

"Yeah, you're right," Azalea said, looking at them through the review mirror.

"Where did they go?" Rudy asked when they disappeared.

"What are Shaolin Warriors," Eddie wondered which was followed by at least five bald men, wearing orange gis jumping onto the car causing all of them to shriek.

"Those are Shaolin Warriors," Rudy and Azalea chorused.


They got back to the dojo, in the company of the Shaolin Warriors a while later, to sort out the entire situation. Rudy handed one of the monks his driver's licence. "This picture on your driver's license does not look like you," the guy said sceptically.

"Well, I just wanted to look good for the picture," Rudy explained sheepishly, "so, I got a few highlights in my hair."

"Oh," the guy chuckled before turning to the guys behind him, saying something quickly in a foreign language that made all of them laugh and Rudy snatched back the card.

"I hope we did not startle you when we jumped on your car," another guy said apologetically.

"Just a little bit," Azalea said, "But we get it, as a Shaolin Warrior you're conditioned to react to the vibrations in your environment."

"That, and we thought mister highlights was going to pull a smash and dash," the first guy said.

"Please, he's good at the smashing but pretty damn slow on the dashing," Azalea snorted, earning a glare from her brother.

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