22 | my left foot

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Azalea sat leaned back in a chair in the cafeteria, looking at her food, or whatever it was the school served, in disappointment when she suddenly heard Eddie's voice, "Hey, Grace. Meatloaf and peas — Nice."

"Is this flirting or just an observation" Azalea whispered to Jack who was watching the scene too. But instead of responding he just cracked a small smile.

"You know what I do?" Eddie asked, "Sometimes I take my corn nibblets and — Will you go out with me."


"No" Grace said.

"Well, now you don't get to find out what I do with my corn nibblets" Eddie said casually before walking towards their table.

"Dude" Jerry, who was behind him said, "you gotta let it go with Grace, man. You're just not her type."

"What's her type?" Eddie asked.

"You know, guys that do things big. The type of guy that stand out in a crowd" Jerry explained.

"Hello? Have you seen my new scarf? It looks like a snake" Eddie said confidently.

"There are good and bad ways to stand out in a crowd, honey" Azalea told him as the two sat down by their table.

"What's that smell?" Milton asked sniffing the air.

"It smells like actual food" Kim said.

"This is the school cafeteria" Jack snorted, "It's no place for actual food" he demonstrated it by turning his place upside down but the food was like glued to it and didn't fall of.

"I'm sure the kitchen staff do their best. It can't be easy to cook for hundreds of picky teenagers" Azalea defended them, not because she liked the food but because she didn't want to be mean.

"Then please, take a bite" Jack took a piece of his food on his fork and waved it around her face.

"I'm not that hungry" she said and in that exact moment her stomach decided to ruin it by growling, "Shut up."

"It's them" Milton said and they turned to look at the food that got served to the football players table. "Here we go. The start of football season."

"Look at them with their prime rib" Jerry said bitterly, "They think they're so much better than us. Ooh, I'm going to go ask that guy if I can eat his fat."

"Sit down" Kim grabbed her by his sweater and slammed him back down to the chair when he tried to get up.

"You know, their quarterback just moved away" Eddie said, "and they're holding tryouts to find a replacement."

"Nice I guess" Kim said and they all went back to picking through their food.

"Wait a minute" Milton exclaimed in realisation, "I think we all know there's someone sitting right at this table that could replace him."

"If I have to. I mean, come on."

"Well, I guess I could. I got muscles."

"I was talking about Jack, ya toads" Milton told Eddie and Jerry.

"I would love to" Jack said a little nervous, "but between school and karate and — I just got a turtle. It's a whole thing. The walking it alone takes forever."

"Then bring him to practice. If you leave him by one end of the court he might have almost gotten like five yards when practice is over" Azalea smirked and Jack looked at her unimpressed for not helping him out.

"Jack, you're the most athletic person we know" Milton said, "The school needs a quarterback."

"And we need meat, man" Jerry added.

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