77 | martinez & malone: mall cops!

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"Whoa-ho-ho," Jerry ogled at the girls in Rudy and Jack's sunset karate class as they entered Phil's restaurant, "What's going on?"

"New sunset karate class just let out," Rudy said smugly.

"We teach it out on the wharf," Jack explained. "It combines the meditative tranquility of karate with the serenity of a beautiful sunset."

"And it's full of hot ladies!" Rudy cheered, holding up his hand for Jack to high five.

"My girlfriend, also known as your little sister is standing right there," Jack motioned towards Azalea who had just ordered a milkshake

"No, go ahead," Azalea told him, "It's not even close to the most pathetic you two have cooked up together."

"You are just jealous we didn't invite you," Rudy muttered childishly.

"Yeah, I'm super jealous," Azalea snorted, noticing how Jerry walked away, "Maybe I should start my own sunrise yoga - but only with hot guys."

Jack narrowed his eyes at her while Rudy scoffed, "Like any guy would wake up to do karate during sunrise."

"They might if a girl in yoga pants is there," Azalea said, "Guys are creepy that way."

Something that sounded an awfully lot like an explosion rang through the dojo and they looked over to see Jerry lying on top of a trash can. He then stood up and approached them, "Hey, do you guys think my job is a loser job?"

"Oh, yes."


Azalea hit both Rudy and Jack on the arm when they laughed and the two walked away. "Hey, maybe it's not the coolest job, but if you don't like it it wouldn't hurt to look around," she patted him on the arm before picking up her milkshake from the counter.

When she got out of the restaurant she almost knocked into Milton who was on his way in. "Hey, Lea, I'm so glad I bumped into you."

"You are going to ask me for a favour aren't you," Azalea said cautiously, "I don't do anything on the mornings."

"No, it's not that," Milton said, "I wondered if you wanted to join my speed walking club tonight?"

"Yeah, sure," Azalea said, "Jack is busy with his and Rudy's latest project anyway. It will be like old times."

When they were younger Milton had pretty much worst stamina in the world so Azalea had tried to help him by taking him out speed walking. It was actually a pretty good exercise.

"Except, hopefully I won't have to carry you home on my back," Azalea joked.


Azalea walked beside Milton later that day during their speed walking class and they reached the wharf just in time to break up Rudy's and Jack's sunset karate class.

Milton walked through the girls like a bulldozer, "Excuse me, pardon me," he pushed past them, "Move!"

"Milton! Get your speed walking group out of here," Jack told him before turning to Azalea, "Really?"

"Walking is better than running," Azalea shrugged.

"Just go to the park," Jack suggested.

"No, you go to the park," Milton told him, "We do our laps here 'cause it has the best views."

"Yeah, we know, that's what we do our sunset karate class here," Rudy deadpanned.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Milton mocked, "I didn't know that pretending to stretch while checking out chicks was something you could teach."

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