65 | wasabi forever

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"And finally, our friendship has been a port to comfort in the storm of life. Sincerely, Milton D. Krupnick," Jack read from his yearbook. "Wow. You really take this whole yearbook signing thing seriously, don't you?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see what you wrote in mine," Milton grinned before opening his year book and reading, "Take care."

"That's cold, Jackie," Azalea smirked, leaning back in her chair while looking through her own yearbook.

"I wasn't finished," Jack snatched Milton's yearbook, "Take care - dude."

"Wow, that's deep," Azalea snorted.

"Well, let's see what you wrote," Jack searched the pages for his girlfriend's handwriting, "'Working hard is important but there is something that matters even more; believing in yourself," Jack read before looking at her in disbelief, "In my book you wrote 'May the odds forever be in your favoir'."

"Should everyone expect quotes taken from movies?" Milton asked.

"Did anyone expect anything else?" Azalea asked, "And I thought my quotes were fitting. You have to remember to always believe in yourself."

"And I should expect my life to be like the Hunger Games?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You got the reference, I'm proud of you," Azalea said and she leaned over to give him a quick kiss.

"I sat next to you when you watched it last week," Jack reminded her.

"Oh, right," Azalea said, "You were jealous of Finnick the entire movie."

"I wasn't jealous," Jack scoffed, "I could totally take that guy."

"Yeah, right," Milton and Azalea said at the same time but before Jack could respond Kim ran towards their table.

"Guys! Guys! The letter from the Otai Academy came in!" Kim yelled, "It's the greatest martial arts academy in the world."

"Yeah, we remember that from when Jack got in," Azalea reminded the blonde.

"I'm either in or out," Kim said nervously, "I'm so nervous. I can't open it."

"Oh, I will," Milton took the letter and started reading, "Oooh," he said, "Huh," he took a bite of his sandwich, "Mm-hm."

"Well?" the other three asked in unison.

"Mm-hmm," Milton took a sip of his soda.

"Oh, for the love of god," Azalea snatched the letter and read it, "You are in," she told Kim with a wide smile.

"I'm in?" Kim asked excitedly, "I'M IN!" she shouted and jumped up to pull Azalea into a hug.

"Wow, so you and Jerry are leaving," Milton realised.

"Wait, where is Jerry going?" Kim asked.

"The Seaford Animal Park is sending him to Kenya for a research project," Azalea explained, "He is gonna live with a family of baboons. I think he's finally found his call."

"Why did they pick him?" Kim asked and the next second Jerry jumped down from the tree on the courtyard dressed like a gorilla while eating a banana.

"Oh yeah, that was a good nap," Jerry stretched his arms.

"Because he's gonna fit right in," Azalea deadpanned.

"I'm gonna go and tell Rudy about Otai," Kim told them before running away.

"Wow," Milton said again, "I can't believe everyone is moving away. Hey, when do we tell the guys we are moving to Washington D.C to work as spies?"

"We can't, remember?" Azalea said, "That would only put them in danger. All we can say is that we got scholarships to the Biltmore Academy, okay?"

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