58 | seaford, we have a problem

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"All right, let's bring up our class valedictorian, Milton Krupnick. Milton?" Gunnar stepped back and passed the microphone to Milton.

Milton stood up as the audience clapped. "When I was three," he started, "I remember looking up at the moon with a sense of wonder-"

"WHOO!" Rudy interrupted him, "Great speech, Milton," he cheered before turning to the rest of them, "I'll get the car."

"Rudy, sit down," Azalea pulled her brother back into his seat, "We are here to support Milton graduating from the Junior Astronaut Program. No matter how boring it gets, we are staying until the end."

"And now, a poem," Milton said.

"I retract my previous statement. Get the damn car," Azalea told Rudy who immediately stood up and ran out of the room.

"Space, oh, space-"

"You are into space?" Jerry flirted with the girl behind them, "Yeah, me too. I'm gonna be the first guy to walk on the sun."

"I would pay to see that," Azalea snorted.

"I know what you are thinking," Jerry continued, "It's too hot. I'm going at night."

The girl stood up to walk away and Milton's speech was interrupted by General Jones. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt."

"We are not," Jack said, "Where were you two hours ago?"

"I just got off the phone with the president, and he's informed me that our friends, the Russians, are planning on sending a 17-year old boy into space," General Jones told them.

"Wait, what?" Gunnar asked in disbelief, "That would be the youngest astronaut ever."

"That's a record we've held for years," General Jones said, "and we intend on keeping it!"

"General Jones, what are you saying?" Milton wondered.

"I'm saying that you, Milton D. Krupnick, are going to space!" General Jones announced loudly.

"Holy Christmas Nuts!" Milton exclaimed before fainting.

"Considering that Laika didn't survive in space, the odds are truly against Milton."


Jack and Azalea sparred when Rudy entered the dojo groaning like he was in pain while clutching his chest. "Rudy, are you alright?"

"No;" Rudy said, "I had a weird dream last night I had a baby alien in me and now I got the shakes and my stomach feels like a roller coaster," he bent over in pain, "What is happening to me?"

"Three, two, one," Azalea realised what was about to happen and a second later some rubber monster popped from Rudy's sleeve.

"Somebody help me! Help me!"

"Rudy, sweet brother of mine," Azalea said, "We know about the new movie and makeup and special effects store in the mall."

"You should have seen your faces," Rudy said smugly despite not having gotten any reaction from them, "I totally got you! Ooh, ooh, here comes Murray. I'm gonna to scare him."

"No, Rudy, he might have a heart attack - why do I even bother?" Azalea asked when Rudy tried the same act on Murray.

"What's the matter, Rudy?" Murray asked.

"Oh, it's my stomach. I think I have an alien in me!" Rudy yelled and the fake alien popped out again.

Murray just shook his head, "That alien doesn't scare me. Have you ever seen my wife?"

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