25 | skate rat

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"Whoo! Go, Randy!"


"Come on, Randy!"

"Come on, buddy!"

The gang cheered as Randy did a flip on his skateboard inside the mall, despite the ban of skateboards. He landed successfully and they continued cheering.

"Yeah, Way to go, Randy!"

"Way to go. Whoo!"

"All right, come on, Milton, you go this" Jerry said.

"Yeah, hang in there, Milton" Kim cheered on their friend.

"Let's go, bro" Jack said.

"You are about to shatter your old record" Azalea said encouragingly despite the ridiculous situation.

The wheels of Milton's skateboard squeaked as Eddie carefully pushed him forward while Milton tried to keep his balance.

"What a rush!" Milton shouted when he stepped of the skateboard and took of his helmet, "The wind in my hair. The adrenaline pumping."

"Dude, your skating is a joke" Randy said unimpressed.

"The sweet air I caught when I ran that pebble was no joke" Milton sassed.

"That pebble was my pinky toe" Eddie glared at him.

"All right, Jack" Jerry said, "Let's see what you can do."

"I've got some moves I've been working on" Jack said, flipping up the skateboard to his hands as the crowd cheered for him.

Jack was about to jump on the board when Joan interrupted him, "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" she stopped him and everyone groaned, "Mm-hmm, what do you think you're doing? I'll take this."

"Oh, come on, Joan" Jack protested.

"I'm, sorry, but I've got a job to do" Joan said and much to everyone's surprise, and horror, she ripped of her guard uniform to reveal some weird figure skating outfit, "And it's to teach you punks how to shred. Huh, check it."

Jack looked a little traumatised by the sight so Azalea stood up to pat his shoulder, "You okay there, honey?" she asked sympathetically.

"I don't think I'll ever be okay after this" Jack frowned as Joan put on a purple helmet.

"This skate rat can grind it like a coffee bean" Joan bragged before stepping on the board, "And — whoo!"

She rode the skateboard forward and somehow managed to get up on a table where she did a couple of spins before jumping down again while the crowd clapped loudly.

"That was sweet" Joan said, "Good thing my boss, Mr. Peters, didn't see that" she said, oblivious to the fact that the man in question had walked up and was now standing behind her. "We call him ratface."

She laughed and turned around to see her boss, "Hey, ratface" she greeted him with a laugh before realising what was happening, "Ooh! Mr Peters, uh, I was just found a little undercover sting operation. I like to fall Operation undercover — sting operation. And anyone caught skateboarding will be banned from this mall. 'prende?"

Joan walked away followed by Mr Peters, leaving the teenagers there in shock. "Great!" Jack exclaimed sarcastically, "Uh, first, the skatepark closes and now, we can't skate here."

"Technically you were never allowed to skate here" Azalea said pointing at the sign only to receive glares from her friends, "But that is beside the point."

"Fine. They may ban out boards" Milton said dramatically, putting on his helmet, "but they'll never ban our spirit!" he took the board from Jack and placed it on the ground, "Eddie!"

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