71 | rv there yet?

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"You can do this Milton! Push it!" Rudy encouraged Milton who was trying to lift a pair of neon pink dumbbells.

Milton strained and grunted as he tried to lift them over his head, "Two!" he exclaimed in victory, allowing the dumbbells to fall back to his lap, "Thanks for sharing, Tina," he handed them back to the six year old girl he borrowed them from.

"You are welcome," Tina smiled and Azalea ruffled the little girls hair as she passed her.

"Are you done playing?" Jack asked, annoyed, "I've been waiting to use that bench for like an hour. I don't know what's more depressing. Watching you lift weights or watching Jerry read."

They all turned to look at Jerry who whines as he tried to read a book, "That's two," Jerry said, turning to the next page before closing the book, "Thanks for sharing, Tina."

"You are welcome," Tina told him.

"I don't even wanna know what that girl tells her parents we do when we are supposed to teach her karate," Azalea said, plopping down on the couch.

"Hey!" Joan entered the dojo with a box, "Anyone want to guess how I made $100 in fifteen minutes going 'he-yup'?"

"He-nope!" Rudy and Azalea said at the same time and the red head stood up again to help her brother and boyfriend fold the newly washed towels.

But then Jack left them, clearing his throat as he walked towards Milton. "What are you doing?"

"Here we go again," Azalea sighed in annoyance.

"Clearing your stuff out of my locker," Milton said, "Hair products, zit cream-"

"Why don't you find your own locker?" Jack snapped at him, pushing Milton away from his locker.

"No way! This is the biggest one in the dojo, and I was here first," Milton said.

"Holy Christmas Nuts!" Jack said in a mockingly high pitched voice, "Jack stole my locker. Gah!"

"Oh, you probably shouldn't have done that," Milton said in a mockingly deep voice.

"You know what? That is it! I'm so done with you!" Jack yelled while walking away only for Milton to attack him from behind by jumping up on his back.

The two fell down to the floor in a wrestling match that Rudy ran over to interrupt, "All right, all right. That is enough! Get up!" he pushed the two apart, "You two have been at each other's throats for weeks. I know exactly where you two need."

"Me too," Milton snapped, "Time apart."

"Fine with me," Jack yelled back.

"Actually, I was thinking of something a little different," Rudy said smugly.

"Suckers," Azalea snorted.

"And you are coming with us!" Rudy told her.

"Oh, man," Azalea whined, "Where?"


"Road trip!" Rudy said excitedly, standing beside a very old RV. "Yup, nothing brings friends together like 16 hours crammed inside the back of an old RV." Rudy patted the RV and leaned his weight against it only for it to start rolling away.

"This is your fault," Jack grumbled.

"How is it my fault?" Milton asked in disbelief and the two broke into an argument.

"Forgot the parking brake," Rudy said, holding onto the back of the RV like that was going to stop it.

"Mine! Mine!"

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