15 | dude, where's my sword?

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The gang stood and watched as Jack preformed an impressive new bo staff routine, "Wow Jack! Your new bo staff routine is awesome" Eddie praised him.

"Thanks man" Jack said giving him a fist bump.

"You know what I say about bo staffs?" Jerry asked while cockily taking the staff from Jack, "Bo-ring. Swords is much better bro."

Jerry swung the bo staff around until Azalea caught it in her hand, "Honey, you are barley qualified to hold a bo staff, I don't think you should move on to something that can actually kill you."

"I've been practicing with my mom's vacuum cleaner" Jerry explained, "One move I can wack the ceiling fan down and suck the curtains of the wall."

"I pity your mother" Azalea said, snatching the staff out of his grip.

"Well, that katana sword that Rudy loves so much is right there" Milton said pointing at the sword who hanged over the door.

"Yeah, give it a shot Jerry" Kim smirked.

"No" Azalea said firmly, "There is a reason to why the sword is placed over the door. Out of reach. Safe from all of you."

"Yeah" Jerry said nervously looking between Kim and Azalea, "Yeah, I will give it a shot. You know I don't think this thing is as balanced as mom's vacuum cleaner" Jerry climbed up on a chair, "and there is no brush on the end of it."

"Hey Jerry" Rudy said when he walked into the dojo and Jerry let out a high pitched scream, "What you doing?"

"Uuuuuh" Jerry said nervously still holding onto the sword, "Just airing out the pits" he lied.

"Let me be clear" Rudy said walking in, "No one touches my katana!" he said firmly,
"Well except for Lea of course."

A loud groan came from inside Rudy's office and the door opened to reveal a crying Bobby Wasabi. "Bobby what's wrong?" Rudy asked.

"Oh Rudy!" Bobby said sadly, "I didn't get the part in that movie."

"I'm sure the part was just wrong for you" Rudy tried to cheer him up.

"It was to play Bobby in the Bobby Wasabi story" Bobby explained.


"Eh, maybe there is another part for you" Rudy tried again.

"I'm Bobby!"


The gang stood around Rudy inside the dojo. He was dressed in a black leather jacket and altogether looked like someone who was trying to look like a biker.

"Yepp, kids" Rudy said coolly, "Everyone's in a while you have to put on the leather pants and hit the open road with the boys."

"But never in the presence of your younger sister" Azalea muttered.

"No all I need is for one of you to come in on Saturday and water the plants" Rudy said.

"I can do it" Azalea offered.

"Not you, if I give you the keys you will re-arrange the entire dojo. I learn from my mistakes" Rudy said looking pointedly to his younger sister. The last time he gave her the keys she had rearranged his entire office so it made sense to her, but not to him. From that day on they decided that Rudy got to handle his own room while Azalea handed the rest.

The others also offered to water the plants, "Alright! Let me get the keys from the office" Rudy said and he started to walk towards the office with some difficulties caused by the tightness of his pants. Once he reached it he stopped and turned around, "They are in my pocket" he said sheepishly before he tried to dig them up only for his hand to get stuck inside.

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