18 | kickin' it in china

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Azalea and Jack walked out of the dojo just in time to see Eddie, Milton and Jerry return from the food run to the Chinese restaurant in the mall, "Boy, this Chinese food is terrible" Eddie complained.

"What do you expect from a place called 'The Scabby Dragon'?" Milton asked rhetorically.

"I will take one of these fortune cookies. Hard to mess them up" Jack said while opening his cookie. "You are about to embark on an exciting journey."

"Oh sweet dude. That is a good one" Jerry said.

"These fortunes are just a dumb gimmick to take your mind off how the cookie look and taste like an old man's ear" Jack rolled his eyes before walking back inside.

"I can't tell you how I know this, but they taste nothing like an old man's ear" Milton said with a disturbed expression.

"And we are eternally grateful for that" Azalea said before she too picked up a cookie, "I always get bad ones" she told the others before reading it, "Someone you love dearly will test your patience" she read loudly, "This just feels like an observation of my life."

"A surprise will fall from the sky" Eddie read his own fortune.

"Your carelessness will harm a friend" Milton read his loudly.

"You have nose for tro — tro—" Jerry got stuck on a word.

"Trouble" Azalea finished for him.

"How did you know that?" Jerry asked a little freaked out, "are you a psychic?"

"No I have a brain" Azalea told him before she heard something that sounded a lot like a squirrel, "Does anyone else hear that?"

"Aaw, check out that squirrel up there. Cute little fellah" Eddie cooed while looking up at the tree and the next second the squirrel jumped down and attached himself to Eddie's face.

The boy screamed in horror and Milton immediately stood up to take the animal off him only to elbow Jerry in the nose when the squirrel finally let go.

Azalea held her stomach in pain from how hard she was laughing at the scene. "That — squirrel — best moment of my life" she got out between laughs.

"Wait a minute" Eddie said picking up his fortune again, "A surprise will fall from the sky."

"I will harm a friend" Milton realised while looking at Jerry.

"And my nose is definitely in trouble" Jerry whined while cradling his nose.

"Guys you are not gonna believe this" Kim yelled excitedly as she ran out of the dojo, "Jack just found out he is going to China!"

"The journey!" Milton said.

"The cookies" Eddie continued.



"I cannot believe this!" Jack said while waving the letter he had received around in the air, "I'm going to the Junior World Martial Arts Championships in China!"

"I was gonna go" Milton laughed, "But I'm not what you call, you know — good."

"That's not true" Azalea tried, "you have some talents" she added with an awkward smile.

"Guys I've been dreaming about this tournament since I got into martial arts. How did this happen?" Jack asked, still in shock.

"I may know how it happened" Rudy said I'm fake modesty, "I might have taken in upon myself to write a letter about a certain student and possibly send it to — oh I don't know. China."

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