36 | wedding crashers

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Eddie, Milton and Azalea were busy stretching while Jack was rummaging through his bag when Jerry walked in with Phil's niece, Mika, that he was still desperately trying to impress.

"Ah, here it is, Mika," Jerry said, "This is the place where I got my black belt and beat down Jack," he said and Jack stood up, causing Jerry to realise that he was there, "Oh, hey Jack."

Jerry took one more step before his eyes widened and he turned around to look at Jack and then Mika, "Uh, we should probably go, Mika."

"No, no, no, no," Jack stopped him with a smirk, "Why don't you show her how you beat me down?"

"Uh, see I —" Jerry stuttered while Jack backed him up on the mat, "The thing is I don't, I don't really remember."

"Oh, I do," Jack smirked, "First he got me in an arm lock. Like this," he put Jerry in an armlock.

"Then he gave you a front snap kick," Milton added and Jack did as he said, kicking Jerry in the stomach.

"And then he flipped you," Eddie finished with a wide grin.

"What. No!-"

Jack easily flipped Jerry over his shoulder and Jerry groaned in pain when he hit the ground while Mika clapped, "Wow, you are very excellent fighter, Jerry."

"Are you proud of yourself now? Do you feel manly?" Azalea crossed her arms and looked at Jack but before he could respond, Rudy ran out of his office.

"Hey, Bobby us on his way over here!"

"What is this Bobby?" Mika asked as the rest of them walked to the door to greet him.

"Oh, he's the rich guy who owns the dojo," Jerry explained, "Whenever he visits, he makes the most insane over the top entrances."

Just then Bobby who walked into the dojo with a pout, throwing himself on the pile of the mats, head first. "Okay, not one of his bests," Jerry said.

"Bobby? What is the matter?" Eddie asked him, patting his back.

"I'm lonely!" Bobby shouted, his scream muffled by the mats and then he stood up again.

"But why are you lonely?" Mika asked, "Do you not have a girlfriend?"

"Excuse me!" Bobby said in offence, "I am Bobby Wasabi. And no, I have no girlfriend."

"Wait, well, that's it," Rudy said, "That's what you need. I'm gonna help you find a girlfriend."

"You can't even find one for yourself," Azalea deadpanned and Rudy shoved her away, causing her to crash into Jack, in order to shut her up.

"You will?" Bobby asked hopefully.

"Trust me, Bobby, I've got your back," Rudy reassured him, "Because if there is one thing I know — it's how to deal with the crushing blow of loneliness."

"Why don't the two of you get married?" Azalea snorted, "It would solve both of your problems."

"It is Tuesday. Come to Falafel Phil's," Mika suggested, "It is singles' night."

"Ooohh," Bobby chuckled, "Falafel."

"Forget Falafel," Jack sat down next to him on the bench, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, "We are gonna find you a lady. And how hard could it be? You are smart, an ex-movie star and really, really —"

"Handsome," Bobby finished.

"I was gonna say rich," Jack admitted.

"Rich and handsome it is!"

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