31 | an angry azalea

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Azalea entered the dojo followed by Kim to see Milton, Eddie and Jerry sitting around with Lonnie's lizard in Jerry's lap. "Uh, what are you guys doing?" Kim asked.

"Petting my gassy lizard," Jerry replied casually.

"This is why I don't ask questions," Azalea said, looking between him and the green lizard.

"All right, Lea. It's Wednesday," Milton said already dressed in his gi, holding an helmet, "Time to get out spar on."

"Eeeh," Azalea said awkwardly, knowing that this next thing was going to be hard. But the thing is that sparring with a yellow belt wasn't that fun for her and it can't be fun for Milton either considering he never stands a chance. "Milton — I — We need to talk," she cringed at how cringy that sounded.

Milton looked at her with an adorable expression, like a puppy, which made her feel even worse than before, "I don't think we should spar with each other anymore."

"Is it something I did?" Milton asked, looking like he was about to cry.

"No, no, no!" she protested, "Milton, you are great. It's — it's not you. It's me."

"It's someone else, isn't it?" Milton asked upset, "Please don't tell me you sparred with him? Here? On our mats?"

"No. I made out with him here on our mats," Azalea said feeling terrible about this, "If that makes you feel better."

"I've been such a fool!" Milton exclaimed, throwing his helmet into a wall as he stormed away into the locker rooms.

Azalea brought a hand up to her face, that could have gone better. She felt like she had just broken up with Milton, she was surely going to hell for this.

"Just down at the arcade," Jack announced as he walked into the dojo and stopped in front of her, "What was I doing there? Only becoming the number one Immortal Slayer player in the world."

"Wow. Spending thousands of hours in the dark with nerds finally paid off," Azalea said.

"Sure did," Jack said proudly, "I won a really cool glow-in-the-dark T-shirt" he added before lifting his hoodie over his head so he could take a look on the T-shirt underneath in the dark, "Oh, man. This thing is awesome."

"My boyfriend ladies and gentlemen," Azalea muttered to herself. "Look, Jack," she said when he was done, "I'm tired of sparring with Milton and you are the only other black belt in the dojo I haven't sparred with yet. I want to be challenged."

"Really? I-" Jack said in disbelief, letting out a nervous laugh, "I don't think that's a great idea."

"Come on, Jackie," she said dragging him towards the mat. Jack sighed but followed her after kicking off his shoes and the two bowed.

"Whoa!" Jerry exclaimed, "Wait, you guys are sparring?" he asked and Azalea nodded with an excited grin, "Does Milton know about this?"

"Yes," Milton walked back into the dojo wearing a bathrobe and eating ice cream out of the box with a ladle, "Yes, he does" he sobbed before putting a large spoon of ice cream into his mouth.

"I know Jack is my boyfriend, but I kind of feel like I'm cheating on Milton."


"Finally some sparring between real karate students," Rudy said excitedly, holding up his phone ready to film them, "Instead of a bunch of confused gazelles blindly flailing around in their pyjamas," he continued before turning to the other guys, "No offence."

"Oh, it's cool."

"None taken."

"I love gazelles."

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