57 | fawtly temple

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The Wasabi Warriors found themselves back in the Shaolin Temple, but luckily no one had to shave their heads this time. "Oh, man," Jack said, "I'll tell you, temple-sitting is the life. Just look at that view."

Everyone looked at the tv they had placed in the courtyard, "That is 3D hi-def surround sound with quadratronic woofers, baby." Rudy said.

"Was anything you just said a real word?" Azalea asked before turning to her boyfriend, "We should go get our tickets for our movie tomorrow before they sell out."

"Oh, sweet, I'm in," Jerry said.

"Uh, Jerry, it's a date," Azalea told him.

"Oh, your boyfriend is sitting right there," Jerry said, "I'm sorry, Jack, but it seems like your girlfriend wants to go on a date with me."

Jack looked less than impressed while Azalea let out a frustrated groan, "I'm going on a date with Jack, you buffoon."

"Just make up your mind, woman," Jerry told her with a roll of his eyes.

"Let's just go," Jack said, taking Azalea's hand to pull her up from her seat, "We will see you later."

"Have fun," Kim smirked.

"But not too much fun," Rudy added.


"Remind me again why I allowed you to pick a movie," Azalea said as the two of them sat down in the theatre the next day.

"Because you said no to all of them," Jack deadpanned, "I had to make a decision. At least this is better than a - and I quote - nauseating rom-com."

Azalea rolled her eyes, taking the popcorns from him and placing the box in her lap, "At least there is something to eat."

"You don't even like popcorn," Jack said.

"I only like them at the movies," Azalea shrugged, "And I only like the ones with butter. You can get the rest."

"Thanks," Jack snorted, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "Could I get the kernels in the bottom too?" he asked sarcastically.

"Well, since you ask so nicely," Azalea grinned, leaning up to kiss him quickly. "Now shush. The terrible movie is starting."


"That movie was a joke," Azalea complained as the two walked through the mall, "Are we supposed to believe that a German soldier stopped the war with nothing but his ballet shoes?"

"Put down your weapons, guys," Jack mimicked a terrible German accent, "and watch me dance."

Azalea laughed and Jack placed an arm around her waist, "Let's go get some frozen yoghurt."

Azalea nodded but let out a groan when she saw who was standing behind the frozen yoghurt cart, "Ugh, Karl is working. He hates everyone."

Azalea plastered on a smile as the two walked towards the cart and when Karl saw her he glared at her, "Azalea," he said with dislike.

"Karl," she mimicked him.

Jack decided to break the tension buy stepping between the man and his girlfriend, "How you doin', Karl? I'm Jack," he offered his hand for Karl to shake, "Uh, can I get a raspberry ginger?"

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