17 | reality fights

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Azalea and Jack were playfully sparring as warm up while the others did the same. Jerry has unfortunately been paired up with Kim and was quickly kicked to the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Rudy said, "You kids are getting sweat all over my mats. This is why we can't have nice things."

"Okay honey, this sibling relationship won't work if both of us act like this. So why exactly are you acting like me, but worse?" Azalea asked.

"Bobby Wasabi is on his way here right now and he said he's got big news" Rudy said before starting to wipe the mat with a rag.

"I love his entrances" Eddie said, "His last one was so cool."

"It was not cool. If you are gonna wear a kimono and fly on a jet pack, dude put on some underpants" Jack said a little traumatised.

"Well this time he promises his entrance isn't gonna be a big deal" Rudy told them.

"So I won't have to go to therapy?" Azalea asked sarcastically.

"He wants everything quiet and lowkey" Rudy continued to explain.

"Two words that has never been used to describe Bobby Wasabi" Azalea said and as if on que, fanfares rang and Bobby was rolled into the dojo by two ninjas in a bathtub.

"Quiet and low-key, huh?" Milton asked sarcastically.

"I would have been here sooner but we hit a pothole and blew out a ninja" Bobby explained, preparing to stand up.

"Please wear pants, please wear pants" Azalea said, closing her eyes and burying her head in Jack's neck, "Is he wearing pants?"

"Yeah, you're good" Jack assured her and she finally opened her eyes.

"That is an awesome ride" Eddie exclaimed.

"I wonder if it's street legal" Jerry said in awe.

"It's part hot tub, part rickshaw and all party" Bobby said while putting on a bathrobe.

"So Bobby, what's the big news?" Eddie asked curiously.

"I just signed a deal to produce a brand new martial arts reality show called 'Wasabi Warriors'" Bobby announced excitedly but he didn't get the excited response he was hoping for, "Aaand it's going to take place in a dojo" he continued but still didn't get any response, "Your dojo!"

Everyone started cheer excitedly, except for Azalea who groaned, "Six karate students living together in a word where they must outplay, outfight and outwit one another. And you will be competing for a brand new Kamazaki water rider!"

They watched as a few ninjas rolled in the water rider and everyone looked at it in awe. "Hang on a second guys" Eddie said, "We have all seen those reality shows. Sometimes they bring out the worst in people."

"Yeah" Azalea said, "I don't wanna be in a reality show, I don't even watch them. Every time you look at an episode you loose at least fifty brain cells."

"Eddie and Azalea are right" Rudy said, "I mean this dojo is a place of honour where we can study martial arts-"

"All I need is a host" Bobby interrupted him.

"Please, please. Pick me!" Rudy begged him, "Pick me! I've wanted to be a reality show host my whole life."

"Alright, you will do" Bobby shrugged.

"I'm the host?!"


"I'm the host! I need a fanfare" Rudy said walking over to take the horn from a ninja. He then played a very weird melody before pulling away with a grimace. "This thing is filled with ninja spit."

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