21 | rock 'em sock 'em rudy

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"I told you Rudy, I can't break a board" Eddie said while Rudy held up a board for him.

"Well, not with that attitude" Azalea told him.

"Okay, look, let's just try one last thing" Rudy said, "Close your eyes and use your imagination to break a board and then you can try to break one for real."

"That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard, and I've lived with you my whole life" Azalea told her brother and in response he hit her head with the board, no too hard but it still felt.

"Alright" Eddie said before exhaling deeply, "Hiyah" he said while punching the air, "Yes! I did it!"

Rudy prepared the board again but Eddie just walked away, "Told ya" Azalea said smugly as Milton, Jack and Kim walked into the dojo.

"Hey, where have you guys been? You're an hour late" Rudy said, annoyed by their tardiness.

"I was over at Build-a-Bunny. Look what I made for my lady" Milton proudly showed them a bunny in a gi, "This is gonna make her absolutely plotz" he cooed.

"I just went over to Stickyhons" Kim said holding some kind of pastry.

"And I did them both" Jack said, holding up his hands that was covered with stuffing.

"Oh, okay" Rudy said trying to play it cool, "That must be nice. Just brambling about the mall, living la vida loca. I wouldn't know because I'm here 24/7. Teaching classes, paying bills, sucking the sweat stains out of these mats. Which reminds me, I gotta get a vacuum."

"I didn't need to know about the last one" Azalea said, "But the first ones comes with being an adult. You know you're like thirty years older than us, right?"

"You know I can force you to sleep on the floor tonight, right?" Rudy asked her, hating when she joked about his height or aged him up ten years.

"You know I can tell mom, right?" Azalea finished with a smirk and Rudy sighed in defeat.

"Bobby called earlier and said he was coming by" Eddie told them when the siblings were done with their daily squabble.

"What? Quick get your gis on!" Rudy ordered the three late teenagers.

"I don't wanna miss Bobby's big entrance" Milton protested, Kim and Jack agreeing with him.

"Bobby doesn't make those entrances anymore" Rudy told them, "He's really starting to embrace his role as a leader, a mentor, a dignified zen master.

They could hear someone whooing outside and then distant crashing. Alarms blared in the background as Bobby emerged through the smoke, caused by his catastrophically landing, coughing as he stumbled into the dojo with a jetpack on his back.

"Word to the wise" he said breathlessly, "Never buy a jetpack at a garage sale!" he told them while two ninjas helped him get it off.

"Bobby, what brings you to our dojo?" Rudy asked.

"Oh, let me show you" Bobby said and the sound of a gong echoed through the dojo as two ninja rolled in a large box, "May I present a teaching machine so advanced it will revolutionise karate as we know it. Behold!" he pressed a button and a robot arm punched through the wooden box and reveal a seven feet tall robot.


"I give you The Wasabitron 3,000" Bobby announced and the gang gasped as they ran over to get a closer look on the robot.

"Okay, if this thing has a vacuum attachment, I'm gonna plotz!"


Kim fought against the robot as the others watched, impressed. When they were done they clapped as Kim and the robot bowed to each other.

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