12 | clash of the titans

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"The joust is a highly specialised combat technique" Rudy explained while circling Eddie and Jerry who stood on two pedestals carrying large pugil sticks. "It's all about control, balance and grace."

Eddie started to hit Jerry with his pugil stick and the other boy yelped in pain, crouching to make himself a smaller target.

"Stop! Stop" Jack tried to stop him while Azalea just laughed, "you are beating the grace out off him!"

"Hey hey" Rudy said as the two jumped of their pedestals, "put down your pugil stick.

"Forget that! I'm taking this thing on the buss with me" Eddie said and then he attempted to hit Jerry again. Jerry screamed and ran out of the dojo while Eddie chased after him.

"I don't if I should stop them or take pictures" Azalea joked but her smile died when she saw Ty entering the dojo followed by Frank.

"Rudy!" Ty said.

"Ty, what are you doing here?" Rudy asked annoyedly.

"I was over at the nail salon getting a power pedicure" Ty said seriously and Azalea snorted, "Which by the way is manly because it has the word power in it."

"That doesn't make it manly. There is a reason there is something called 'girl power' but nothing called 'boy power', because being a girl is power" Azalea sassed.

"And when I came out from my manly pedicure I found this under my windshield wiper" Ty held up a flyer, sending a pointed look towards Azalea when he said the word 'manly.'

"What is it?" Jack asked confused.

"It's the thing that goes back and forth on your car when it's raining" Frank explained sassily earning deadpanned looks from everyone else. "It's amazing."

"What's amazing is that you nineteen and still in the seventh grade" Jack shot back.

"No, what's amazing is that he actually reached the seventh grade" Azalea said and the two high fived, per automatic.

"This is what I'm talking about. Your Bobby Wasabi flyer was on my car" Ty said angrily.

"Please, someone alert the media" Azalea said drily, sick and tired of their rivalry.

"This is a declaration of war Rudy" Ty announced.

"This isn't about flyers Ty" Rudy said snatching it from him, "It's about the feud that started between us fifteen years ago."

"What you did to me was wrong!" Ty exclaimed angrily, "But it doesn't matter because I'm still the best sensei in this town" he took a few steps towards the pedestals before turning around dramatically, "You up for a joust?"

"I've never walked away from a joust in my life" Rudy walked towards Ty, trying to look cool. The two then had a staring contest before rushing to pick up their pugil sticks and climbed up on the pedestals.

"Now if you don't mind, I'd like to take a moment to harness my chi" Rudy said seriously.

"I will do the same" Ty said but when Rudy closed his eyes he hit him in the side with the pugil stick causing Rudy to fly of the pedestal and land on the ground with a thud. "Haha! I'm the King of the World" Ty cheered but he forget that he was standing on a pedestal so when he took a step back he too fell to the ground with a thud.

"I'm just saying, if we didn't need men to reproduce, the male species would have died out a long time ago because of natural selection" Azalea rolled her eyes.


"Hey Milton" Azalea said as she walked into Falafel Phil's and slid into the booth in front of the red haired boy.

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