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~Paparazzi's POV~

I stood there with a bunch of other photographers hoping to get a glimpse of 5 Seconds of Summer at their house. As I waited I heard a reporter scream out I ran over with all the other paparazzi. "CHEATING SCANDAL PERFECT," the person next to me laughed.

We all started taking pictures of the two in the window. "I never though Ashton Irwin would cheat. Especially with Michael Clifford's sister," I said taking as many pictures as I could. "We should get closer," someone near me said. Everyone shuffled closer to the building where we could get better photos.

Me and a couple other paparazzi had smaller cameras so we were able to get really close. Luckily the way the house was built, there is a hill that is next to it that makes it so it's like the 2nd story is the level with the hill. As we took pictures I noticed Ashton looking over towards us. "Get down," I whispered to the others hiding. They all scrambled to a place to hide as I crouched behind a bush.

I hate ruining people lives but I need the money. I really hope I don't ruin this band. They are actually pretty good.

"They closed the windows," a guy said. Everyone got up and walked back to their cars. I hopped in mine and headed back to my magazine company.

When I got inside I showed the pictures to my boss who praised me, gave me my paycheck and sent me off. I then realized. I just ruined a bands life. I'm gonna get so much hate. I'm a idiot. Oh well. I get payed well and it will blow over easily.


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