Like Brother Like Sister

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~Michael's POV~

Being part of 5 Seconds of Summer is difficult. Being Emily's brother is difficult. God. Anyway, as I pulled up with the other guys and Caityln we hurried inside. Emily ran over and hugged me. Connor awkwardly waved like always. Luke and Caitlyn snuggled and placed the food on the table. "Yum tacos," Connor said. I grabbed plastic plates and through them at Calum. "AHH WHAT THE F-," Calun screamed before JC weakly responded "SHH I'm sleeping".

We all ran over to him. "Guys, please," JC mumbled. "Are you ok," Emily asked, "You were out for a while". Thank god he was ok. JC reassured us he was fine and Ashton offered to drive him home. After they left Caitlyn and Luke headed home. "Hey, um Emily, can stay in the guest room," Calum asked. "Sure," Connor said. I used to live with Connor and Emily so I walked up to my old room.

As I closed my door I heard my phone buzz. It was Ashton saying, JC passed out on couch again. Stayin here. Can you call Andrea. WHAT?! ANDREA!! I replied, WHO IS THAT!?

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