I Love You and I Won't Leave You

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~Caitlyn's POV~

"Thanks for the ride," I say to the taxi driver and pay him $50. "Keep the tip," I say politely. I rummage through my purse and cannot find my phone. Damn it I must've lost it at the photoshoot. I pull my hood up and run to the nearest telephone booth, avoiding paparazzi. I dial Emily's number. "Pick up pick up," I mutter. "Hello? Emily?" I say breathlessly through the phone. "Hey caitlyn," she replies. "Any news about Luke?" I ask. "Yeah, we drove him to the hospital, he uh has words written on him in blood-" she says, cutting herself off at the end and begins to tear up. "Em stay with me," I yell. "Okay can I talk to Luke please," I ask. "Sure but he's a little but unconscious," she says, still crying a bit. "Hello?" Luke says. "Luke?? Are you okay??" I scream, so happy to hear his voice finally. "Oh my caitlyn I missed you a whole bunch!!" Luke screams back, weakly. "I-I wanted to make sure you were OK," I say, letting a tear drip down my cheek. "Yeah I'm -" he begins to say, but is then cut off. "Luke? Luke?" I yell, panicking. "BEEP" I hear from the phone. "Are you still there ? Luke?" I yell, crying. "Caitlyn," I hear Emily's voice. "OMG is luke alright??" I scream, crying. "Um-Caitlyn..." Emily starts. "Luke just died. He's dead ..." "what! No! No !" I scream, stuttering and crying. "I'm so sorry caity," Emily says soothingly. "No! OMG no!!" I scream, chocking on my tears. "Caitlyn I have to go back home, and spread the news," Emily says, "bye." And hangs up. I hang the phone back up. And walk out the telephone booth, dragging my feet. I let the door slam behind me. "No,no" I mutter to myself. "This can't be," I say. I notice water drops on my jacket. I begin to sing to myself, " I wish I was, I wish I was-" I choke on myself and make myself walk to a nearby bench. I put my head in my hands and cry. "Thanks for loving me Luke, thank you for being the one who would help me when I needed it, thank you for loving me, and thank you for being the best I ever had." I say. "I love you-" I say, and then I sit on the bench and cry.

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