Sympathy Pankcakes

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~Troye's POV~

Niko is so cute when she sleeps. She's like a little kitten. I crawled downstairs while she looked cute. I makes pancakes shaped like hearts for her. I hope she liked them. I then turned on Sherlock and waited. I heard her cute little feet run in the kitchen. She jumped on my back and I ran around the kitchen.

She jumped off and kissed my check and ran to the couch. She pulled out her phone and I saw her on tumblr. "What's the latest ship," I jokingly asked. "Totally Rose and the 10th doctor duh." Her smart comments were so cute. I laughed and gave her a plate of the pancakes. "Ugh, what about my Starbucks," she said sarcastically in her best valley girl voice. "Sorry," I replied. She is amazing.

She looked at me and said, "Can you run upstairs and grab my laptop for me, please". I ran upstairs and grabbed it. When I came downstairs she had the news on about Megan. I saw her crying. "Baby, come here," I said softly. She walked over and hugged me. "Can I have another pancake," she said softly. "Ok," I said.

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