The dragon tainer part 2

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A/n: wow I didn't expect this AU to actually work out??? You all seemed to like it so here's a part two. Side note: I was huugge in the HTTYD fandom in 2015, I still like it but DN is my main and has been for 4 years. As a result of my that, I have a bunch of HTTYD fic in the depths of this account, some of it is un-published but MAAANN I sucked at writing then. But it's a lot of fun to write about the world of HTTYD. All the dragons and scenery is so much fun to write.

After that first night with L, he'd been a regular visitor at your island after battling hunters. He and his night fury seemed to like hanging around you. He was often over helping you fight your fear of dragons and painting with you. Today, however was a little different.

You still hadn't found a dragon you wanted yet, like he said, the dragon has to pick the rider as well as the rider picking the dragon, so you did not yet have a bond like he did with his dragon. That didn't stop you from flying around with him.

Today he landed at your door as you were painting the final details on your night fury wall. His dragon bounding over to you and jumping all over you.

"Yes Yes Hello! I've missed you too!" You laughed as the dragon licked you up the side of your face.

"Good morning my little up and coming dragon trainer" L said, pulling his helmet off and shaking the hair from his eyes.

"Good morning sleep deprived loser"you sassed back.

"Justice for dragons never sleeps my friend"

He gestured his dragon over and began to un-buckle the supply bag off the saddle gear.

"I have a little something for you" he said.

"What? You don't have to get my anything you know" you replied.

"Oh you'll love it"

He walked over to the table you had outside with all your paints on it. Using the free space on the table he began to pull things out of his bag.

"Behold, your very own flight armour!"

Your eyes met the shiny set of blue and black armour on the table, decorated to look like dragon scales complete with a matching helmet and sword.

"Duuuddeee! That's so cool! You didn't have to go to all this trouble! Thank you!" You smiled, leaping onto him and giving him a tight hug.

"If you're going to be flying, it's the least I could do. Who knows, maybe one day you can help me fight"

"I'd love to! You know, when I eventually get a dragon..."

"I don't doubt you'd be a good fighter, you're already a good swords person"

"Yeah you could take notes" you sassed.

He laughed and shook his head, gently breaking the hug so you could put the armour on over the clothes you were already wearing. He helped you with some of the buckles but other than that everything fit perfectly and was strong but breathable.

"Now... I've made some adjustments to my suit. Yours can do the same but I should probably show you how it works first"

"Ok? What are you on about dragon boy?"

"You think you can take the reigns on this one"

The second those words left his mouth you called the night fury over and jumped into the saddle.

"You bet, get on!"

L climbed on behind you and you took off. He'd been teaching you how to fly the past few months and according to him you were a natural, and hard to believe you were put off my bigger dragons with the way you were zipping around the sky.

"Where to?" You asked.

"Just around, get just below the clouds" he replied.

You did as he said and came to a glide just below the clouds.

"You think she'll like it bud?"

The dragon gave a disapproving growl.

"Come on! It'll be fine! We've done it before!"

You looked behind you to find he was literally standing up on the dragons back.

"L! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" You exclaimed.

"Don't freak out! I've done this hundreds of times now and I've been fine" he replied.

"What the hell are you-"

Without warning he just- FREAKING JUMPED OFF HIS DRAGON.


Before you could even process what just happened he put his hands in two loops on the sides of his armour and pulled them out. Wings... his armour had freaking wings.

It was freaking flying suit.

He came up to glide next to you and gave you a smirk.

"Oh. My. God" you said.

"Like it?"

"You're insane! Just give me a freaking heart attack why don't you!"

"Even if things went wrong you know I've always got my dragon to catch me"

The night fury gave another disapproving growl.

"You'd save me! Don't even act like you wouldn't!" L sassed his dragon.

After a few minutes of gliding, you flew under him and he landed back on his dragon, stuffing the wings away into his armour.

"When you're ready you could give it a try too, your armour has the same stuff" he said.

"Are you crazy? I'd die! Maybe when I have a dragon of my own I'll give it a shot"

You came back down to your island and landed softly, jumping off the dragon and watching him run off to play with the terrible terrors that likes to sit on your roof.

"So, what do you think?" L asked.

"I think you're crazy but I love it! Bet kira and his gang won't see that coming" you replied.

"I can't wait to use it in battle and freak the hell out of the hunters! It's gonna be so cool!"

You loved how exited he got when talking about dragons or fighting Kira. Usually he was a pretty classy and monotonous person but when he would go on about dragons he had so much passion in his voice and gestures.

"When I'm ready to join you I definitely will" you smiled.

"I know as soon as you find a dragon you'll be ready to go. You picked up on flying super quickly"

"I'm not that good..."

"You learnt quicker than I did. That and that dragon of mine that to me months of building up trust and training with him was totally cool with you on the first night, you've got a way with dragons (y/n)" he explained.

You smiled at his words.

"Thanks. Although you can actually face a timber jack without screaming"

"They're like the size of fully grown pine tree I don't blame you for freaking out" he laughed.

"You know... I really like hanging with you. You're super chill and is never a dull time when you drag me into your crazy adventures"

"You're the only one that was willing to learn about dragons. You're the one I was meant to find (y/n), I can tell we'll be flying through the clouds and fighting crime one day"

He was right.

The second you got yourself a dragon you were so becoming his partner in crime against Kira and the hunters. It made you want a dragon even more. You gave him a smile.

"I can't wait"

His cheeks went red at your smile and adorable tone of voice.

"Y-Yeah, neither can I"

The night fury tilted his head at the both of you, giving you the dragon equivalent of a smirk. L noticed this and gave his dragon a smirk back.

"What are you looking at mister let's-wake-everyone-up-at-midnight?"

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя