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A/n: decided to give you the gift of a Christmas one shot before I disappear for Christmas myself. This will be a bit different, instead of a Christmas Day one shots, is Christmas Eve one shot

Head Canon: L always buys you the best presents.

Christmas at Wammys is always fun for the kids. There's a tree in the play room and Christmas lights fill the halls.

But this year was different, both you and L weren't at wammys this Christmas, you were away for a case, but that didn't stop you from putting up a tree in your house and buying presents.

It was currently cold and dark outside, you should probably get to bed soon. You looked at the presents under the tree, wondering what was inside. It was killing you having to wait until tomorrow.


You looked up to see L holding out hot chocolate for you.


He sat down beside you and pulled the blanket over his shoulders, you were sitting in front of the fire like it was some cheesy Christmas movie. You'd just finished the annual Doctor Who Christmas special and you had some time to kill before going to bed.

"So, what'd you think of this years episode?" L asked, taking a sip of his overly sweet hot chocolate.

"Pretty good. Nothing beats ten and the killer Christmas trees though" you replied.

"Yeah that episode was funny"

"Man I remember watching that back at the orphanage, we hat to keep the little kids out of the room otherwise they'd get scared of our own Christmas tree"

"And then that one girl snuck in and starting laughing about it"

"Oh yeah I remember her!" You laughed.

You took a sip of your hot chocolate, the marshmallows on top starting to melt.

"Man I can't believe we're actually doing the whole Christmas thing on our own, I mean, we were five and waiting all night for Santa at the orphanage and now we're 21 and at our own place and stuff" you said.

"I know, it's weird. I always associate the smell of the polished floorboards that get done every December at the orphanage with Christmas and it's not here this time" L replied.

"That and the smell of dust that comes off the tree when we put it up"

"That too"

You put your mug aside and pulled the blanket up.

"Fuck it's cold" you said.

"Well yeah, it's snowing"

L out his empty mug aside and cuddled up to you.

"Although I'm definitely ready for the Christmas carols to be over with. Do you know how many times I've heard jingle bells today alone?" L said.

"Same here, if I hear all I want for Christmas is you one more time I swear to god..."

You looked over at the tree, lights making it illuminate in the darkness of the room. You eyes were drawn to the bright wrapping paper of the presents beneath it. There was a stack from Near, Matt and Mello for the both of you, as well as some from Watari.

"What do you think they got us?" You asked.

"No idea, although if Matt kept his promise from New Years one of those is a panda onesie" L replied.

"I'd pay to see you in that"

"Well if it's this freaking cold you'll be seeing it for free"

"What about Watari? What do you think he got us?"

"Dunno, knowing him it'll be something expensive and we'll feel bad for making him spend so much then he'll insist on it like always"

"Probably, now what about you? What did you get me?" You smiled, giving him a nudge.

"Not saying. You'll have to wait until tomorrow" he smiled back.

"Come ooonnnnn! Tell me one at least? Give me a clue?"

"A clue? Ok..."

He thought for a moment.




Pressure? What involves pressure? He wasn't making this easy.

"What kind of clue?" You questioned.

"It'll make sense when you open it. What about me? What'd you get me?" he replied.

"Not saying, if you won't say, I won't say"

"Give me a clue then"


What's a clue for a car? You kind is made him learn to drive earlier this year because you had broken your arm and couldn't drive. He ended up wanting a fancy car after he passed the test.

"Earth" you said.

Because you make fuel out of natural resources. It has to do with cars but is vague enough to not make sense out of context.

"Earth? What in the-"

"You'll have to wait until tomorrow"

And then you can stop trying to keep him out of the garage. Although L never leaves the house when it's this cold so it wasn't hard, he doesn't suspect a thing.

"Damnit now you've got me all exited..." he said.

"Well you got me exited too! So payback!"

"It's getting late, we should go to bed"

"We should, and you're actually going to sleep tonight ok?"

"Ok ok" he said.

You got up and put out the fire, you took one last look at the presents.

Pressure... pressure and a small box with red paper and a bow on it.

That had to be the one he was talking about, the other two he had for you were actually guessable, but that box just wouldn't make sense to you. Pressure... what did it mean?

You turned off the lights and crawled into bed next to L, not knowing that present in the small box with the bow on top would make you a married woman.

A/n:explaining the clue. Dimond engagement ring, diamonds are formed when lots of pressure is applied to certain rocks over hundreds of years. So pressure was the clue, it fits into the equation but isn't overly obvious.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now