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Head canon: L's incredibly stubborn. When you argue it takes forever to blow over, he doesn't want to admit he's wrong but still feels all sad that you're avoiding him.

You haven't been home in a week, you stormed out after that fight and haven't been back since.

L was so stubborn, he just can't accept when he's wrong. You knew going back too soon would cause problems, so you decided to let him have his way until he came to his senses. You were staying at a friends place.

She had left on holiday and given you the keys to make sure her cat was fed, she didn't really mind that you'd temporarily moved into her house while she was away as long as you made sure the fridge was still full when you left. It was pretty lonely without L, but you didn't want to make matters worse.

It had been pouring down recently, it's like the rain wasn't going to stop until it started flooding, it hadn't stopped for days. You didn't really mind but it made things difficult when you had to go out to get food, you didn't have the car with you, so you had to rely on an umbrella.

You watched the rain fall outside, your friends cat was snuggled up at your feet on the sofa, right under the heater. You were watching a puddle in the driveway get bigger and bigger.

You wanted to jump in it so bad.

You could tell the rain wasn't letting up any time soon, so if you wanted your fun, you'd have to put in a raincoat and tough it out. This fight had stressed you the hell out, you wanted to do something fun.

You got up and pulled on the raincoat that was on the hat rack by the door, putting on some shoes and going out into the rain. It was cold but you didn't care.

You were gonna fuckin destroy that puddle.

Without thinking, you ran up to it and jumped into it, landing with a splash and making the water splat all over the driveway.

"My god I'm such a child" you laughed.

You jumped again, and again, and again. You may be an adult but every time you saw a puddle you just couldn't pass by it without jumping in it.

L would always tell you off for it, saying you'd get your socks wet, but he wasn't here right now.

If he was going to be all mad and pouty, you'd use that to your advantage.

Meanwhile, L lay in bed by the window watching it rain. He was still mad, he missed you but he really didn't want to admit he was in the wrong. He looked at the puddle that had formed outside, knowing if you were here you'd be jumping in it like a child.

He wanted the rain to stop, he reminded him too much of you.

He missed your warmth next to him during the cold nights, he missed your voice telling him to be careful with his cases, he missed the smell of your really nice perfume that would linger around wherever you had been.

He didn't even want to look at the empty spot in the bed next to him that smelt so strongly of milk bottle candy perfume.

He truly would fall apart without you, he can't take care of himself very well, and you were the only thing that kept him away from the dark parts of his thoughts. And what had he done? Made you leave.

He was the reason you stormed off. He knew you were at your friends house, he knew why you were staying so long, but even though he knew you were safe, he still felt guilty.

That's something he always hated about himself, how stubborn he was. It always seemed to cause problems.

He knew he was wrong, but he didn't want to admit it.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now