Half of death

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A/n: you guys liked it. Here it is.

Au: half Shinigami L!

He could see everything.

The god of death that lurked behind the suspect, the one that started this whole mess by dropping the note. The red letters dancing above the boys head.

The detective had the upper hand. He knew about the death note. Why? Because he was half Shinigami. Being an orphan he had no idea how it came to be, but he did know that his left eye can see names and lifespans, every time he switched the vision on said eye turning red. He knew all about death notes and most importantly, he could see other Shinigami. Of course no human would believe him.

He was stuck pretending to be clueless. He had to tackle the case form a human standpoint. But he already knew the truth.

Light Yagami was Kira. But of course, he didn't have the death note to prove it, just his eyes that no one human would believe.

It wasn't all bad having this power during the case though. He could check the lifespans of the taskforce and make sure they stay alive. Luckily everyone had relatively long life spans. And if someone's was shorter, it was mainly due to health issues, something he couldn't really fix.

He knew the Shinigami with Light could tell there was something off about him, he most likely could tell there was a Shinigamis presence around but didn't think it to be L.

But he had to approach it.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom. We'll head to HQ in a minute"

The detective watched as his suspect walked into the University campus bathrooms. As soon as he was out of sight and passed bys were far enough away, he switched on his vision. The Shinigami standing next to him. He looked right at it, starting into its non existent soul. The goth-looking Shinigami made eye contact, confused. The tired one could see him?

"It was you wasn't it? Who dropped the book" L said.

"Ooohhh man- this just got interesting! You can see me?" The Shinigami replied.

"Yes, don't ask. I don't even know myself, I've always been like this"

"So you're the presence I was feeling, man, not often you see a human with one singular Shinigami eye. Or... are you even human?"

"Half. Once again, I have no idea how"

"So you know about the death note, lifespans, Light being Kira? Everything?" The Shinigami asked.

"Correct, but of course, I have no proof as of now. I can't make any arrests" L replied.

"This just keeps getting better and better... that means Light CAN'T kill you, you're not fully human"

"I'm hoping that when he tries, and sees I don't die, he'll have some kind of mental break that lasts to his arrest. But enough of that... was it you, that encoded the apples message into the letters?"

"Well, kind of. I didn't do it myself but I think my apple addiction made light think of it"

He could hear the hand dryer go off from inside the bathroom, he looked back at the Shinigami.

"Not a word about this to Light, I trust?" L said.

"I'm not in his side, or your side. I'm not saying anything to anyone, L Lawliet"

"Good, Ryuk"

After half a minute or so, Light walked back out and the two... well three if you count Ryuk, made their way back to taskforce.

"Ryuk..." Light said under his breath as he trailed behind.


"Were you talking to someone?"

"Nah. Who could see me?"

"Right... must've just been some students or something..."

Ryuk didn't want light to know about all this, because my god, was it an entertaining show. They made it back to taskforce where all the police officers sat.

After a greeting and quick talk about where the case was headed, it was off to work. But first, L had to check all the lifespans. When he thought no one was looking, he quickly took a look at all the lifespans in the room. All relatively normal.

"I knew it"

He jumped, making eye contact with the person who made the noise.

"Your eye... what's up with it?" You said.


At least your lifespan was normal.

"Nothing..." he said.

"Changing from red to grey-blue isn't nothing" you replied.

"You must be sleep deprived... eyes can't do that"

"Well yours obviously can, I've seen it multiple times now"

He didn't exactly know how to retaliate, he never expected anyone to find out. The only thing he could really do was... say the truth. He looked around, making sure so one else was listening. Especially not Light or Misa.

"You won't believe me" he said.

"Try me" you replied.

"I can see people's names and lifespans with that eye"

"L that's ridic-"

"Your middle name is (m/n)"

Oh... well...

You see no one knew your middle name. You never put it on any records because of Kira. Before the confirmation of needing only a first and last name, you assumed he needed a full name. But you continued to keep it secret afterward anyway just in case.

"Ok... well- how?"

"Your guess as as good as mine. I was born with it, I know nothing more" he replied.

That's right, he never knew his parents. He wouldn't know who he inherited it from if it was passed down.

"Don't... Shinigami have that ability in legends?" You asked.

"Yeah, but even so I still don't know how I became half one. Seeing names and phasing through walls as well as just knowledge about Shinigami is all I can do. I don't look like one" he replied.

"Ok, 1, phasing through walls really? And two... doesn't... doesn't that mean your mum banged a Shinigami?"

"ew don't say it like that!" He exclaimed.

"Well, how else would it have happened?"

"A curse or something? I'm sure Shinigami can't sexually reproduce anyway... I mean I know that can't with each other but humans... y-you know what I think it's just some kind of curse, or a deal my parents made... or something. And yes, I can phase through walls, of course I don't do it in front of people"

"Can you see Shinigami?" You asked.

"Yes, that's why I always try and keep you away from Light and Misa..." he replied.

You gasped, they had Shinigami following them? So they were Kira?

"So they are Kira?"

"Yes, of course I can't do anything because I don't have solid evidence that's win in court... but they are, I can see the Shinigami with them"

"Well? How do they kill? You'd know right?"

He sighed. God this was going to take a ton of explaining.

"Ever heard of a Death Note?"

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now