Silent scream

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A/n: I just remembered this song existed and I had to write about it.

Head canon: none for this one.

Bottling things up is never good in the long run, your mental health suffers because of it. You end up drowning in pain and emotion and you're forced to keep it in to hold up the perfect image you've created. But sometimes... you can snap.

Sometimes, it can all get too much.

"This is getting ridiculous... we're never going to catch Kira if we keep arguing like this" you said.

"Well maybe we should actually be following a moral code and stop listening to L!" Light yelled.

Here it comes, everyone always blamed L, they said his morals were flawed, they said the reason they aren't getting anywhere is because L's asking too much of everyone, they call him names behind is back, they wonder what's wrong with him, they ridicule him...

Some criticism is natural in life, but this isn't criticism... this is just mean, slander, making fun of someone.

It's bullying.

You knew L must have dealt with a lot in the past, part of your way into the police force was studying psychology, no one else on taskforce did that, so they didn't see L the way you did.

You could tell he must have dealt with something before, you knew he heard what everyone was saying about it and you knew he was drowning in the feelings he bottled up for so long. The problem was that he was so closed off it was hard to talk to him about it.

"Let's not jump to conclusions" you said.

"TOO LATE! I'VE ALREADY JUMPED!" Light exclaimed.

"If we keep going by L's rules, more and more people are just going to die!" Aizawa added.

"Think of it from a case standpo-"

"No (y/n)! This is getting out of hand! Can't you see how badly L is setting back the case?"

"He's the reason we even made it this far!"

"And now we're stuck! Nothing satisfies him! His morals are so out of whack it's a miracle he's not behind bars himself! HES A STRAIGHT UP FREAK!" Light screamed.

You looked over at L, who was listening to everything they were saying as he started aimlessly at his computer.

He was screaming in his head, you could tell.

"So what if he's the worlds greatest detective?! His ways of working are so bent, even more bend than his damn back! He needs to wake up and follow the damn law!" Light said.

"Lights right, at this rate, we're being put back by following L" Mr. Yagami said.

"Guys-" you tried to intervene, looking over at L.

"He's too corrupt! He can hardly take care of himself, we need to do something about it" Matsuda added.


"(Y/n) are you blind?! We can't keep following L's rules!"

"Guys you should-"

"Not only is he a complete weirdo he's morally corrupt!"

Suddenly there was a massive bang, everyone fell silent and jumped. You turned to see L had stood up, his hands slammed on the table. He suddenly turned around and his usual monotone voice became dripping with rage.


You'd never seen L snap before... but it seems everything had gotten too much for him.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now