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Head canon: your relationship is very playful lots of cute little things and giggles. So it's a shock when people see it rather than L's usual deadpan persona.

"You're insane, he'll kill us"

"But I wanna knooowww!"

"Misa trying to break into L's computer is a death sentence!"

Misa was trying to convince Light to use his smarts to get into L's computer. You see Misa was very curious as to why L was so shut off from everyone so she was thinking maybe he had some secrets on his computer.

"Pleeeasssee" she whined.

"No Misa" Light replied.

"I'll buy you a smoothie"


"Anything you want?"


That was easier than it seemed. It seems the timing was convenient because L was away from his computer and god knows where.

"Where is he?" Misa asked, peeking around the comer at the vacant computer.

"I think he went to some meeting or something. He's probably just out at some cafe stuffing his face with cake honestly" Light replied.

"Let's get it while we can"

The Kiras grabbed two chairs and sat around the computer.

Light grabbed the keyboard and starred at the password box, trying to think of what the password could be.

"Um... cake?"


"Kira sucks?"


"Light he's a detective it's probably something fancy" Misa said.

"Hold on"

Light left and returned with his laptop and a chord. He plugged one end of the chord into his laptop and one into L's computer.

"I have a software that lets me crack passwords, that how I got into the police info" he said.

Misa watched as the program cracked the password.

Password cracked: (y/n) (your/birthday)

"Someone's name? And birthday?" Light questioned as he typed the password.

"Maybe it's an actor someone he's a fan of or something?" Misa suggested.

The desktop was shown, there were lots of files of Kira stuff, lots of programs and the FBI database.

"Well all this detective stuff won't be useful, look at more personal stuff" Misa said.



"Well we can see what music he listens to"

Light opened iTunes and multiple albums of varying genres popped up.

"There's a playlist called (y/n), that was his password right?" Misa said, pointing at the screen.

Light opened the playlist and scrolled through the songs.

Addicted to you
All of me
Looks to perfect
Somebody to you
Your love is my drug
And so many more.

"Love songs?" Misa questioned.

"Maybe this (y/n) is a crush?" Light suggested.

"Ooo L's got a crush, look up her name in the files"

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now