Love struck

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Head canon: the first time L ever developed feelings for someone, he was so confused and had no idea what was going on or what to do, he was just a stammering love-struck idiot.

All it took was one look at you and his soul left his body, he astral projected into another plane of existence as all the feelings he'd never felt before hit him at once.

He was completely lost, he had no idea what was going on, all he knew was that you were precious and had to be protected at all costs and given lots of head-pats and affection. He could never compose himself around you, around anyone else, he was stone cold, professional and deadpan.

But around you? He could barely make a sentence.

He was like Marinette swooning over Adrien in Miraculous.

Everyone around him could just tell he had the biggest crush on you, and deep down he knew he did too, but since before now he'd never felt like this, it was all new and confusing to him.

It's sounds crazy, a 23 year old had never had a crush before, but it was true.

All he knew was he was crazy for you, and you never failed to make him smile.

The taskforce was getting real sick of watching him become a mess when you were around, sure it was cute but it was so painful to watch you be so oblivious.

You had a feeling that L may like you, but his otherwise stone cold personality made you doubt it. Little did you know how much this was destroying him.

It was about midnight and he was still awake, not doing work, but hitting his head against the table in frustration. He'd come to the conclusion he was in love, but he had no idea what to do about it.

The case would be affected if he kept this up like a lovesick crackhead.

"If you keep hitting your head you'll get a concussion"

He stopped upon hearing the voice of his caretaker. He picked his head up and sighed, spinning his his chair to face him.

"Well what exactly am I meant to do here? This sleep deprived, short, sassy girl that wears to many band shirts had ruined my life" he said.

"You could just tell her" Watari replied.

"NO! I have no prior experience, I have no idea what all these feelings I'm suddenly getting are, I've never had a crush in my life and now it's hit me all at once as an adult and it's make me a mess. I can't say anything now because I'll screw it up, I can't even get a proper sentence out to her!"

Watari just laughed, he'd watched L grow from a child that would fight the other kids for toys, to an awkward teenager, to the worlds greatest detective that never really left his emo phase. He'd always thought L would end up living his life on his own and not minding if he died with 7 cats and no one else. He wanted the best for the boy, but attempts to get him to socialise never really worked.

Now that L has gotten a crush, and he actually knew what love was, there was no way he was going to let his almost-son walk out of the case without you as his girlfriend.

You'd marry L and that was that.

Watari also knew that you were pretty affectionate of L, and you'd probably accept his confession. Now the only problem was getting L to form a sentence and tell you.

It wasn't easy.

"Well, she's still awake. No one else is, it'd be a good time to tell her since no one else is around to intervene"

L's attention instantly went to the monitors where he saw you completely forgetting there were cameras in the building as you danced around your room like an idiot jamming to some early 2000s bangers.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now