The prince and the pauper part 4

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The whole kingdom was looking for L, it had been three months with no sign of him. That's because you and him had wandered far of into no mans land, far away from the cluster of kingdoms, into a small town that didn't know of what was going on. You only ever went into the town to go to the markets though as you'd done up an old abandoned cottage and set up camp there.

You hadn't ever been happier, just you and L, out in the world living life. You were willing to put your dreams of singing on hold for L, plus, all this didn't mean you had to stop singing all together. Turns out L rather liked your lullabies.

L had gone from a prince to a normal person. No crown, no fancy clothes, no guards or schedules. He was finally free to just roam and explore the world, he'd barely ever been outside the kingdom so he really hadn't seen much of the world.

One thing was for sure, if they wanted him back, you would come back as his bride, his princess, that was that. If not, you'd just keep running. You spent your time exploring, dancing, singing, playing with the animals you'd somehow adopted and sleeping. A pretty chill life.

Not only did you still have the horse L took when he ran, you'd somehow ended up in possession of a cat. It started to show up one night and it's been hanging around ever since. Neither of you really cared, you were cool with it as long as it didn't scratch up your clothes.

But the kingdom was in chaos, not only had they found out that L was right all along and the Yagami kingdom WAS behind Kira, they were still desperate for L back. The lords refused to let him marry you, but the young princes were determined to change that.

"It's so stupid! What's the point in marrying someone if you don't love them!" Matt said.

"I know! Plus (y/n) would be a great princess! She can sew, dance, sing... she'd be so much fun" Mello added.

"I know what I saw, that night I found them on the balcony they were so in love! No wonder L ran away, he'd do anything for her" Near jumped in.

The boys sat in a circle in the garden, talking about how L should be allowed to marry whoever he wanted.

"And you know what? I bet she's the one that ends up making L sing. He refuses to sing for anyone but he'd sing for her" Mello said.

"I know! We've been trying to get him to sing since we were adopted and he never has, he'd sing for her. Not even us, his almost-kids, but for her" Near replied.

"Near you're the only one that saw them together, you're the only one that can convince them" Matt said.

"I know, I'm trying to think of a way... I miss him"

"I know, me too"

"Me three"

The boys were stumped, they wanted L back, and they wanted you to come with him. But the lords were stubborn, they wouldn't budge. The only option was to convince the king. The boys knew king Wammy wanted the best for L, and that he didn't like the idea of an arranged marriage either but if he let L marry whoever he liked, they'd lose lots of nobles. They'd just walk out in outrage.


They turned to see a maid standing over them.

"Come on, we're going out looking again"

They just wanted to find L, their father figure. They'd go without hesitation. The royals and the guards were placed in carriages and set off into the un-searches areas. It went on for hours, when everyone decided to spilt up and meet back at sunset.

As the sun was going down, the boys who'd wandered off were on their way back when they heard laughing in the distance, familiar laughing as well

"Guys, do you hear that?" Mello said.

It was silent for a moment as they listened to the distant voices.

"That's L!" Near exclaimed.

The boys ran toward the voices, and sure enough, it was the man they were looking for. They watched from the forest as you and L sat on a makeshift swing you'd tied up and gently swung back and fourth.

"Come on! Please, for me?" You whined.

"No, I sound awful" he replied.

"Pleeeaasseeee! For your future bride?"

He sighed.

"Fine, but you're starting"

You smiled, taking a breath and beginning to sing, something he loved to listen to.

"Could I be the one you're seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking?My eyes will give you clues" you sang.

"I told you she could sing really well!" Near said.

"She's amazing..." Matt replied.

You fell silent, giving L a pleading look. He always refused to sing but he'd make an exception for you.

"What you see may be deceiving. Truth lies underneath the skin. Hope will blossum by believing. The heart that lies within" he sang, giving into your constant pleading.

The boys gasped, you actually did it, you got L to sing. No one could ever do that.

"She actually did it..." Mello gasped.

"He's really good" Near added.

"He must really love her if he's giving in" Matt jumped in.

You smiled, it'd been your mission to get to hear L sing for so long now, and you'd finally managed to do it. You joined in, singing in unison.

"I'll be yours
Together we shall always be as one
If you love me for me"

The boys watched from the Forrest in awe, conflicting emotions. They wanted L to be happy with you but they also wanted him back with them in the palace.

"If you love me for me"
If you love me for me..."

You drew to a close, letting the swing rock back and fourth as you held him in your arms.

"I told you you would be good" you smiled.

"I'm not that good" he replied.

You put your forehead against his, giving him a pouty smile.

"You sound like an angel..."

You placed a gentle kiss on his lips, happy that you'd finally heard him sing.

The boys were silent for a moment.

"He looks so happy..." Matt mumbled.

"Guys.." Mello said.

The other two looked at him.

"Maybe we shouldn't tell anyone we found him just yet..."

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now