Stardom part 1 (?)

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A/n: I cannot express how much I want to give L head pats in words. The day I learn to animate I'm literally just gonna draw a constant loop of me patting L's head and set is as a live background. I mean...


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AU: No one knows that famous rock star duo, Sinful Kiss are the worlds greatest detectives.

"You really think this is a good idea? If anyone finds out we're dead meat" You asked.

"We'll be fine. The taskforce understand the seriousness as Kira. To the rest of the world we'll remain sinful kiss, that's it" L replied, ripping open the box in his hands.

You'd just been sent the first copy of your new album 'hail to the sinners' and not even two minutes later the Kira taskforce were due to show up. You looked over his shoulder as he pulled the album from the box, revealing the cover which had the both of you sitting under red lighting surrounded by fire.

"Fuck yeah, look at the letter pressing" you said.

L opened the album and revealed the CD which had a pentagram printed on it.

"Exactly like he asked, looks like we're set to give the go ahead to send them out to stores" L said, pulling his laptop over to send the confirmation email.

What made you two different from other artist is the fact you used characters, and never ever told the public your real names or backstories. To the world you're not L Lawliet and (y/n) (l/n), you're Izroul and Agnimatra. Your style was also very unique, combining heavy metal guitar and drums with modern electro, lyrics having deeper meanings and telling stories. Although you can't trust L writing lyrics alone because it'll end up a song about how much of a bad bitch you are. Behind that emo looking exterior he's really just a suck up.

Of course since Izroul is just a character, L will actually make the effort to act more... well, normal when on stage and in interviews, but the second the doors to your house close, he's back to sitting all curled up and pulling all nighters.

It was important this meeting went smoothly, as you had a show tonight, one at the biggest arena in Tokyo.

But things didn't really go like you'd planned them...

The majority of the taskforce looked at the two of you in confusion, not expecting L to be so... young, and tired looking, but Matsuda looked like he was going to explode and Mr. Yagami seemed really shocked.

"Holy hell... YOUR'RE SINFUL KISS! Since when were the worlds greatest detectives the revolutionary rock duo?!" Matsuda exclaimed.

"Who?" Aizawa asked.

Not surprising he didn't know, most of your fans were a lot younger.

"YOU DON'T KNOW SINFUL KISS? Even the chief knows them!"

"Only because Sayu has them plastered all over her walls" Mr. Yagami added.

You and L gave each other a look, knowing this information would cause some confusion with the taskforce, before you could even say a word, Matsuda spoke up again.

"I'm going to your concert tonight, I wasn't expecting to ever see you guys face to face! I know it's super unprofessional, but I'm such a huge fan!" He said.

You giggled at his excitement, L looking done with this meeting already.

"Thanks, I knew if we got recognised something like this would happen" you said.

"Ok, now, enough to talk about our music. This is the Kira case let's not get distracted" L jumped in.

"R-right sorry... uh... should we be calling you L or Izroul?"

"Neither, for security purposes it's Ryuzaki now"

"Ok got it!"

You all ended up sitting around the table and discussing Kira as planned, Matsuda and Mr. Yagami, knowing who you were found the real L a little strange as they were used to the guitar playing, jumping off the top of stage props Izroul. You on the other hand were pretty similar to your character, just less yelling for people in the mosh to jump.

When it came time for L to speak with everyone individually, Mr Yagami approached you.

"I know this had nothing to do with Kira, but my daughter is going to your concert tonight as managed to get front row in the mosh pit, she's camping outside the arena right now, even though you'll be busy singing and all... could you just keep an eye on the front row? I know how crazy mosh pits can get and I want her to be safe" he asked.

"Of course, I'm always keeping an eye on the pit anyway, if anyone gets hurt we pull them out immediately" you replied.

Then something came to your mind. If Sayu was into your music... maybe you could use that to get close to Light, he was the main suspect. It'd be a win win, Sayu would get to meet her idols and you'd get to watch Light.

This could be a useful trick.

"Actually... if she's got a day off school anytime soon, I'd be happy to meet her" you added.

"You'd do that? She'll scream so loud the windows will shatter"

"I'm happy to meet any fan"

"I'll see when she has her next day off school"

It was a plan then, use Sayu to get to Light, you wouldn't be hurting Sayu, and she's be happy, and you'd get to keep a close eye on Light.

Looks like your stardom can me helpful in the case after all...

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now