We'll carry on

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A/n: hold old are you guys? I expected most of my readers to be pre-teens but some of you said you're in your 20s??? Now I'm super curious.

Hc: none for this one.

It's been a long, tiresome, harsh case against Kira. But, do the utter dismay of the world... he's won.

The world has sunken into a dark nightmare. Everyone is scared to do anything wrong, people no longer leave their houses for more than a day, everyone is scared to live in this world. One small slip up, and you're dead.

You had no choice but to disband taskforce, for everyone's own safety, but that didn't mean you wouldn't find a day to fight back. Kira May be winning, he may have won his round, but as soon as you can gather enough people, you could start a rebellion.

Those who despise Kira have started to wear mask when outside in fear their face would be used to kill them. So telling a Kira worshiper form a Kira hater was easy.

Kira wasn't just killing criminals now, anyone that was against him was a target.

You have no idea how, but both you and L managed to survive and have gone into hiding. The world is still aware L exists, he's still alive, but he's been hiding for years now. For three years, it's been you and L alone in a building in the middle on nowhere. It's dangerous to even say your names, you've and to use aliases... for other aliases.

Right now, you weren't (y/n). You were Hanayo Minami and L wasn't L, or Ryuzaki, or Hedeki Ryuga, he was Kai Kousaka.

See? Aliases, for aliases.

It was a bloody mess at he moment, no one was safe. Morale was low, hope was straining to dwindle into single digits. And it was really starting to get to L. He hadn't slept for months, he was constantly stressed, he'd been eating less, he's been moody, he's just having a really hard time. You didn't want to see him like this.

It was now apparent that if you wand Kira gone. You'd have to kill him, physically meet him and stab him until he bled out. Being indirect wasn't going to work any more. You KNEW Light was Kira... you knew.

If light were dead, his while empire would crumble. Misa would cease activity out of depression, you could take the death note and burn them. Both you and knew this. You were both detectives, you were against taking human life... but it was the only way to get rid of Kira. And you both knew it.

There's no way L could bring himself to do it. But you... you were willing to do anything.

So, you waited until L burnt out, and fell asleep. You put him to bed and then set to work. You put on a mask, hood, and carried a gun. You were going to find Light, and kill him.

If he couldn't see your face, he can't kill you. And anyone with the Shinigami Eyes can't see your name. So you got a beanie and cut holes for the eyes, that was it. That's all you could see of your face.

You were going to do it. You made sure to wear a bulletproof vest and shin pads in case a fight broke out. You didn't want to hurt Misa, she was only involved because Light manipulated her. It was Light you wanted dead.

You managed to track him down, he was hiding out in a fancy penthouse building.

In the dead of night, you got into the roof of the next building along, and waited.

You watched through the open window for hours until you finally saw him sit down and pull out a book, beginning to write. You poked your gun above the ledge of the roof and took aim.

You tool a deep breath. You couldn't believe you were doing this.

You pulled the hammer back, your hands shaking, you closed your eyes.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now