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A/n: a well overdue neko oneshot for you kitty lovers.

Head canon: none
AU: Neko! L

It was quite the shock when taskforce walked in for the first time to find the worlds greatest detective had cat ears and a tail, it was a rare occurrence for a neko to be born but it was possible.

It was even more of a shock when they found it wasn't just the cat boy behind the screen but a girl too, one that seemed to be the 'owner' of the neko boy. Everyone could tell just from the way L acted around you that you had some kind of relationship with him, he'd always curl up next to you and ask you for head pats.

Apart from purring and having cat features, that's not the only cat thing L did.

You know how cats knock things off tables? He did that just to annoy you.

You know how cats will be super attention seeking one minute then refuse to be touched the next? He did that to.

And god forbid a laser pointer or ball of wool was near by.

Of course around taskforce he tried to act more human, he was a detective after all, he had to be at least a little professional. But around you, it was quite the opposite.

A few days ago you'd put a collar on him, because that way he could tell if he was up when he was meant to be asleep because of the little bell on it. He tried to take it off but you had put a small lock on the buckle and hidden the key. There was no getting around you.

It was pretty late and you'd told L to go to bed, avenue a while of arguing about it he gave in and went up to bed, that didn't last long.

You could hear the bell on his collar, telling you he was awake and roaming around. You knew why too, he wanted attention.

Attention he wasn't going to get because you were working. You ignored him as he walked into the room and crawled over to you across the sofa.

You kept your eyes on your work, watching him in your peripheral vision. He sat next to you and his tail gently swayed back and fourth. When you didn't turn to face him you could see him get annoyed. He moved closer to you and put his head on your shoulder, you moved him away and continued to work. He didn't like that.

With that, he poked your cheek. You tried to ignore him but he was getting irritating. He did it again, and again, and again. He just kept poking you until he managed to get you to break and give him the attention he desired.

"What do you want you should be asleep?!" You said, turning to face him.

"Snuggles" he replied.

"I'm working, I'll snuggle later"

He gave you a pouty look, you sighed, knowing he'd put up a fight. Completely ignoring what you just said, being the cat he was, he just crawled over your lap and curled up.

"L I swear... how are you the worlds greatest detective?" You questioned.

"I use my head a lot" he replied.

That sassy little...

You sighed, he was here to stay now. There was no way you could get rid of him. You just had to try and work with him on your lap. You turned your attention back to your computer and continued to work, for as long as the neko boy would let you.

After a while he started to play with the strings on your hoodie, it was ok at first but eventually got kind of annoying. To stop him, you just gave him a scratch behind the ears, making him purr and turn all his attention to the wonderful feeling of head pats. You stayed like that for a while, typing with one hand, L over your lap, giving him head pats with the other hand.

It had gotten really late, and you were getting tried so you decided to continue your work tomorrow. You closed the lid of your laptop and stretched out your arms. The lack of head pats made him realise you were done with your work.

He took a second for his mind to de-cloud itself from the high that was head pats and sat up.

"Now snuggles?" He asked.

"Yeah, now snuggles" you replied.

You slipped out from under him and got up, making your way up to your room, L following you and clinging to your arm as you walked.

You reached your room and almost instantly passed out as you flopped onto the bed, you would have fallen asleep right away if it weren't for L pouncing on you and clinging to you like you were the edge of a cliff.

"Alright, alright. But you have to go to sleep I'm tired" you said, pulling the blankets up.

"Ok, fine" he replied.

You felt his fluffy tail wrap around your legs and he snuggles into your shirt. You slipped your arms around him and eventually fell asleep to the sound of him purring.

As much as a handful as he was, he sure was adorable.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now