Spare them part 1

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A/n: random AU idea. Adventure time X DN. You are finn/Fiona, Light is one of the kingdom leaders, L is marcy/Marshall because of his nocturnal habits and paleness as well as similar hair. He could also be the ruler of the candy kingdom but he'd probably eat the whole place so...

Prompt:"(Y/n) and L... they're so in love! CAN'T YOU FIND IT IN YOUR HEART TO SPARE THEM?! I HAD MY FAMILY RIPPED AWAY FROM ME AND IT HURT SO MUCH! I don't want L to have to lose someone he loves so dearly again... because I know exactly what it feels like..."

It was all becoming too much for her. Just watching the two of you made her want to cry.

Light wanted her to kill you, but she didn't want that to happen. She knew how much L would hurt if she did, she knew exactly what it was like to loose someone you loved. Misa knew EXACTLY what it was like.

Because as a child she had her own family ripped away from her.

So she was torn. Kira... or sparing the life that could save others?

Unless she could try and reason with Light.

She watched as Light typed away at his computer, pretending to help the case, both you and L were a few floors upstairs so if she wanted to talk about the case while L was away from the cameras, now was the time.

"Hey... Light..." she spoke up.

"What is it?" He replied.

"D-do you know what it's like to loose someone you love?"

Light turned to her, confused.

"Well... I haven't had a death in the family yet if that's what you mean"

"Kind of? It's just. Losing someone you love can be so difficult... and..."

Misa knew why he wanted you dead and not L. Because he'd seen how much L cares for you and he knew for sure that if you died, he'd eventually end his own life and Light wouldn't have to worry about him anymore.

"And?" Light questioned.

"I- I don't know if I can do it"


"I don't think I can kill (y/n).." she said.

Light was now paying full attention. His initial thought was maybe she couldn't because you were the only other girl in taskforce which had caused an unwanted bond of sorts.

"Kill L then" he replied.

"I can't kill him either..."

"Why not?" Light snapped, getting angry now.

"Because I don't want L to feel the same things I felt..." Misa quivered.

"You can't side with the enemy Misa! You love me don't you?"

"Well yeah but-"

"Then you'll kill them!"

"But... but..."

"NO BUTS! You said you'd be my eyes so when I tell you to, you'll kill them!" Light exclaimed.

"(Y/n) and L... they're so in love! CAN'T YOU FIND IT IN YOUR HEART TO SPARE THEM?! I HAD MY FAMILY RIPPED AWAY FROM ME AND IT HURT SO MUCH! I don't want L to have to lose someone he loves so dearly again... because I know exactly what it feels like..." Misa said, her tone dropping in mood.

Light sighed in frustration.

"I can't become a god if my two biggest rivals aren't dead Misa!"

"Can't you just keep being Kira behind their backs? It's been working this whole time!" Misa asked.

"Yes but eventually they'll catch up, we are both their main suspects!"

As much as she loved Light, it was hard for her to even think about killing you and L. You two had what she wanted, a happy, healthy relationship. Someone that loves you no matter what happens.

"Well if you can't bloody kill them then I will!" Light snapped.

"I can't allow that"

They both suddenly turned to the Shinigami that had appeared behind them.

"Remember how I said if you hurt Misa or did anything that put her in danger, I'd kill you? If you kill these two that break her heart. I will not let that happen" Rem said.

"Well how else will she become a goddess? Light replied, trying to twist the situation.

"Don't pull that card. I have my eye on you Yagami..."

He turned to Misa and scowled at her.

"You're making this unnecessarily difficult! I told you to not catch any type of feelings for our enemies and here we are! Thanks for this Misa... you're REALLY helping our case here" he scoffed.

Misa got up and stormed out, done with Lights bullshit. She was in such a tight position.

Does she stay with Light and kill you both? Or does she spare you and have Light turn on her?

As she was on her way to room she suddenly heard laughter in the nearby room. She turned and crept up to the door to take a look inside.

"No no I've got another one! What animal is Light?" You said.

"What?" L giggled.

"A KIRA whale!"

You both burst out laughing at your shitty pun. Misa sighed as she watched. She'd only ever seen L smile when he was around you. It was obvious he was holding onto a dark past and you were the light of his life.

"Wait wait! I've got one!" He said, trying to calm his laughter.

"What is it?"

"What does the delusional fangirl say to light before he killed her?"


"You make my HEART STOP"

You both began laughing again. Misa could just see how I'm love you were from the way you acted together, it killed her that she was against you. She sighed, thinking about what she should do.

What was more important?

Kira... or letting the orphan re-build his family?

She stood there for a little longer before finally making a decision. She knew what she was going to do...

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now