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Head canon: none

AU: if you touch yourself or are touched in any way, your soulmate can feel it on their body too. So if you were to say, be hit with a ball, they'd feel it too and form the same bruise. If you were to 'touch yourself' they'd feel it too.

It was silent in the taskforce building, everyone was busy with their work.

You were completely unaware of these people's existence and the fact that inside that building was your soulmate.

You were just minding your own business walking home from the shops when you were suddenly hit in the eye with a ball, you flinched and impulsively put a hand over your eye.


"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" A girl with a baseball bat said.

You looked up to see a full game of baseball happening at the park, one you'd walked past at the wrong time.

"It's ok, it was an accident" you replied.

While this was happening, your soulmate was busy trying to stop Kira when he suddenly felt a massive hit of pain his his eye.

"OW WHAT THE?!" He exclaimed, doing as you did and putting a hand out o his eye.

"What happened?" Matsuda asked.

"Whoever my soulmate is must have been hit with something"

L took his hand away from his eye and it was already beginning to form a bruise.

"Ouch, maybe she ran into a pole or something" Misa said, looking at the bruise.

"What is she up to wherever she is?"

You could feet your soulmates touch as he bought his hand up to his eye. You suddenly remembered that your soulmate could feel everything you could, and felt bad for making him feel pain.

Then again, it's payback for when he made you feel that jab in the elbow last week. That shit hurt.

You got home and put away the shopping, looking in the reflection of the window and seeing a bruise over your eye.

"Shit, that'll show up on my soulmate too..." you said.

Suddenly you felt something be placed against your eye, your soulmate must be putting ice over his, so you decided to do the same.

You sat down, wondering where your soulmate was and what he was doing. There had to be some way you can contact him. But the only thing that connected you both was touch, you couldn't really write a message to him... or maybe, you could.

You grabbed a pen and wrote a simple 'hello' on your arm. While the ink wouldn't appear on his skin, maybe he could feel the letters you wrote. You kept writing it over the same stop to see if you'd get anything back.

Meanwhile L was looking down at his arm in confusion.

"What is she doing?" He said.

"Can you feel something?" Light asked.

"She's doing something with her arm. It's only in the one area though"

"Maybe she's washing something off?"

"Can't be, it feels kind of... pointy? And it's the same movements over and over"

Suddenly he felt something that made sense. You were making the shape of a H.

Then an E, then two L's and an O.

"No way..."

He grabbed a pen and wrote Hello back, over and over so you'd feel it.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now