Art class

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Head canon: none for this one

No art classes were on at the university today, all the art students were free to stay home, but you decided to come into class anyway to finish a painting, the room was always open during the day anyway.

You were one only one that came into class to finish your work, you had the whole art room to yourself all day and you had nothing better to be doing, so there you stayed.

As the sun started to set, the students from other majors began to make their way home, or to the library to study. All the law students had just been let out of a lecture, and were off to go home.

It has been a long boring day of pretending to be lights friend to get the dirt on him, but L who was posing as 'Hideki Ryuga' was finally able to get home and rant to his caretaker about his annoying Light was. He decided to take a short cut to the car park through the art department, knowing it was open even though the students weren't in today.

He walked past the screen printing room, the computer labs for digital art, the sewing rooms and photography studios and at the end of the hall was the visual art room. Every time he passed that room with the windows that showed inside, there was one new masterpiece on the tables, some new drawing on a desk, some sculpture in a case. That room was constantly changing.

He often wondered where he'd be if he persuaded art instead of detective work. What would have happened?

Today was different, usually when he walked past the room was empty, but today there was a lone girl painting starry sky with a dragon flying through the clouds. It was so pretty, so detailed, so colourful.

He didn't think any students were in today, but he took note of that girls painting, knowing he'd probably see it at the universities art showcase in a few weeks.

The next week when he did the same thing, the same girl was there, this time painting a fairy in the flowers. And the next time it was a mermaid in the water, she obviously had a theme going on as part of a series of works.

He began to start going to university just to see the girls paintings, every day he was there, he'd check the art room for the girl paining the fantasy creatures. He always had to stop and look, it seemed she never noticed him. But she did. He just didn't know it.

You had noticed the boy looking at your paintings through the windows the second week he did, and each week for ages you'd see him come back from his lecture at the law department and watch you paint for a few minutes. You didn't really mind, you thought it was pretty cute that you had a little fan actually.

You ended up looking in the schools student list and finding out his name was Hideki Ryuga and that he, along with Light Yagami was the top student in the whole university. They both passed entrance exams with perfect scores. When you looked him up, you managed to get a better look at him, he has messy black hair, with a fringe that needed a haircut, he always seemed to be wearing the same outfit, but that wasn't that odd, you had multiple pairs of black leggings so that's pretty much all you wore too. He looked very tired, you assumed it must be from studying all night since he's a law student, and that course is crazy hard to pass. He had blueish grey eyes, and he was super pale.

You also found out form the school lists that he was half British, which was a cool little detail.

Today, you couldn't stay as late as you usually could, so Ryuga wouldn't be able to see you paint as usual, but you decided to do something different. Make yourself known.

He walked past the art room, exited to see what you were painting today, but too his disappointment, you weren't there.

Instead where your easel is usually get up, there was a folded piece of paper in the desks with his name written is cursive. You knew about him? Without thinking he opened the door to the art room and walked in to get a closer look.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora