The day

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Hc: none for this one, just something I came up with.

The taskforce were good at poking around in people's business that's for sure. So when they noticed the tiny tattoo on L's wrist of the number 24, they got curious. And Misa decoded it was time to get to the bottom of it once and for all.

Every time she asked, L would change the subject, and she wasn't having that. She wanted to know, so she went digging for answers.

Her first thought was a date. The 24th of something was when something big happened to L. She recruited Light and kid hacking skills to help, now the only challenge was getting into L's personal laptop.

His work laptop obviously wouldn't have anything, but his personal might. So she waited until L burnt himself out and fell asleep before yoinking his laptop from him and heading into one of the offices with Light to crack into his laptop.

"Damn, password protected..." She said.

"What would L have as a password?" Light asked, his hands hovering over the keyboard.

"Umm... candy stuff? Detective stuff, I don't know?"

Light connected his laptop to L's with a chord and got to work trying to break in. It took a while of loading programs but he eventually managed to get the password.

"(First/initial) (last/initial) 24.7.99"

He typed it in and the computer unlocked, a loading screen popping up.

"24 again? What is it with him and 24..." Misa questioned.

When L's laptop loaded the question was immediately answered, the Kira's starred at his desktop background in shock.

L was married?

The background was a professionally taken photo of L and a girl, in wedding attire holding hands and running through the rain laughing as they went. The girl in a puffy white wedding dress with her hair done up all fancy and L, surprisingly to see, in a tail suit.

"Of course.. the 24th of july 1999! That's his wedding date!" Misa said.

"L... is married? He never seemed like the relationship type though" Light replied.

Misa dragged the laptop over to her side and began to click on folders.

"Are there more pictures? A video maybe?" She questioned.

The door opened behind them, followed by a familiar voice.

"What are you guys doing?" Matsuda asked.

"Come here! L's married!" Misa replied.

"He's what-"

Matsuda grabbed a chair and sat down next to them, looking at the goldmine of wedding photos Misa had found. From the looks of things, the wedding was small and held at some fancy looking castle place. It had gone of without a hitch until after the ring exchange and kiss when it had started to rain, so the bride picked up her dress and took the grooms hand and they ran through the rain to the undercover safety of the castle, neither of them caring they were getting soaked. The photos has turned out beautiful, candids of pure joy as the bride and groom ran through the rain with smiles on their faces. It was magical, like a scene from a movie.

"They're such pretty pictures..." Matsuda said.

"The rain makes everything look to magical..." Misa added.

"I just can't believe L's married... but it does explain that little tattoo he had and why 24 is the number he uses for literally everything" Light said.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now