Back of the class

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AU: high school AU.

You never spoke in class, you didn't really pay attention either. Everything was relatively simple to get the hang of so you just sorta... drew on your work and read whatever manga you had in your bag at the time. You sat at the back by the window, like all the anime protagonists do, expect your life wasn't interesting. You just tuned everyone out with your headphones.

The boy next to you was silent but super smart, he was always done with work before everyone else was, he looked really tired all the time so he'd fallen asleep in class more than a few times. He never sat properly in his chair either, but then again neither did you, you never had your feet flat on the ground.

He was cute.

You could admit that. You didn't actually know his name, everyone knew that he went by 'Ryuzaki' but that wasn't his real name. You assumed he must have had some other more complicated name he was called at home and just wanted to make everything easier for the teachers who did roll call.

The both of you were pretty much the ghosts of the classroom. No one talked to you and the teacher never really called on you either. And yet you'd never talked to each other.

You were the only two that preferred to work alone than with a group.

You were snapped out of your daze when the lunch bell rang, while everyone rushed for the door, you actually took the time to make sure your bag was zipped up before you left.

You sat behind the school by the fence away from all the people at lunch so you could focus on your manga and eat your cookies in peace. You went to your spot at the back of the school and sat against the fence, you grabbed your issue of a silent voice out of your bag, you read it as you munched on your cookies and enjoyed the sound of your music and the birds in the tree that cast a shadow over you.

It was silent for a long time until you were snapped out of your headspace by a thud, like something had been thrown against the wall off the school. When you looked up, you saw you were right.

A blue backpack sat in the grass against the wall, next to it was the boy you sat next to in class. He had buried his head in on knees. He didn't seem to know you were there.

You pulled out your headphones, listening for any drama or fights that were going on. Instead you heard crying.

Even if you didn't really know Ryuzaki that well, you did get a little worried. You see, drama and beef at this school gets really serious, you've never been in any but you know about what goes on. Once a girl was bullied so badly that she dropped out of school because the bullies cut her hair and threw all her stuff in the pool. Ryuzaki isn't the kind to pick a fight, but he's very quiet, that makes him a good target for dickheads.

All that in mind made you think maybe he was being bullied, or someone had done something to him. You don't usually get involved in this kind of stuff but you felt bad.

Ryuzaki is a good kid, he's quiet but very nice from what you'd seen. You put everything down and crawled across the small patch of grass to where he sat.

"Hey, are you ok?" You asked.

Your voice startled him, he jumped and looked up to be met with your concerned gaze. He instantly tried to wipe away his tears.

"Yeah, it's nothing" he said.

"Please, at this school it's never nothing"

"It's fine really..."

"You never sit back here, and you threw your bag against a wall, and you're crying"

He didn't know how to argue with the truth. You couldn't see any bruises or scratches, if he was being bullied it was verbal, not physical.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now