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Au: L has DID "Ryuzaki" is an alter and "Lawliet" is the original personality he was born with. Ryuzaki fonts a lot during cases and doesn't talk about his DID. Lawliet, while he still fronts, hides away during cases any only comes out when he's alone.

It was late, most of the taskforce had gone home, the rest to sleep in other parts of taskforce. You were a bit behind on work so you were up and trying to finish it. L was awake too.

Wait no- Ryuzaki. He told you to call him that at the start of the case.

He was quietly working on case stuff as usual and seemed to be spacing out a bit. You figured he was just tired.

You were pretty tired too, but you had to stay up and finish your work. You decided to go make some coffee.

"Hey Ryuzaki, want some coffee?"

He snapped out of his daze and looked over at you.

"Uhh Yeah, sure" he replied.

You went off to go make the coffee, wondering why L was so out of it. It's unusual for him to be so dazed, even when he's tired.

You made his coffee how he liked it, with all that extra sugar and walked back out into the main room to give Ryuzaki his coffee.

"Here" You said, handing it to him.

"Huh? Oh thanks" he replied, taking it from you.

He put the cup down and seemed to space out again.

"Hey, are you ok?" You asked.

"Uh... I'm... fine- Yeah, fine..."

He obviously wasn't, something was wrong. He was spacing out and kind of looking around all confused and seemed to be in some kind of pain.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm..."

He trailed off, going completely out of it for a moment before looking up and looking around.

"Woah... I haven't been out on a while" he mumbled to himself.

"Ryuzaki are you are you're ok? You seem out of it" you said.

He looked over at you and stared for a moment, processing what you were saying and who you were.

"Oh um- hi... yeah I'm ok... I just switched that's all" he said, in a much much softer tone of voice.


"Did... did Ryuzaki not tell anyone?"

"Tell... what?"

"We have DID, Ryuzaki is an alter and I'm the personality that was born into this body. Ryuzaki is the only alter and he fronts a lot because he's better at talking to people"

Woah, what?

L has DID? Well, that certainly explained why he spaced out a lot. Must be Ryuzaki and his birth personality talking to each other in his head.

"Oh wow, so you're not Ryuzaki now?" You asked, sitting down and wanting to know who you were talking too.

"Ryuzaki says I'm not allowed to tell another because it's our birth name and Kira could use that. Just say L instead"

L and Ryuzaki were already looking very different.

L was very soft spoken and quiet, Ryuzaki was flat, monotone and not afraid to yell.

They also seemed to have a different tone of talking too. Almost like L was shyer. Then again, of L was still L during his trauma then it would make sense and Ryuzaki is the more confident one of the two.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now