Heels [crack]

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You were not expecting this when you thought 'worlds greatest detective'.

This man, the worlds greatest detective, is barely in his 20s, hair that hasn't been brushed in three years, plain clothes, super monotone and serious... but...

He wore high heels.

Why? You didn't know. But he can WALK honey. They've gotta be at least ten inches, and he can not only walk, but run in them like it's nothing. HE LITERALLY PLAYED TENNIS IN THEM. Also... he can sit all curled up balancing on heels? How?

Today you were going to get to the bottom of it. You were one of the first awake and got to work, waiting for L to come downstairs, and when you heard the familiar clicking of those shiny black heels down the hall. He kicked the door open and skidded over to his chair.

"Sorry, I passed out last night and slept in" he said.

This is why you tell him to sleep more, he burns himself out. It was time to get to the bottom of the heels mystery?

Was it a posture thing?

Did he loose a bet?

Was he secretly a drag queen?

Oh god... you couldn't even imagine that, L can't take care of his own hair, imagine the mess of a wig he'd end up with.

You slid your chair over to him and spun to face him.

"Ok it's killing me, I have to ask" you said.

He gave you a confused look.

"What's with the heels? I'm not saying boys can't wear heels but, like, why?" You asked.

"I knew someone would ask that eventually"

He just shrugged.

"I like to be tall"

You have him a confused and shocked look. That's it?

"BUT YOU'RE 5.10! YOU'RE ALREADY TALL AS HECK!" You exclaimed.

"I like to be extra tall then" he replied.

"No other reason? They dint raise your deductive abilities by 39% or something?"

"Nah, I just like to loom over people. Makes me more intimidating considering I look like a panda and frog had a kid most of the time"

You just have him a confused look. That's it? He just likes to be tall? Well it was working, he was like six feet tall with those heels on.

"When did this... start?" You asked.

He shrugged again.

"Dunno, I was like... 7? I used to be really small for my age so when a volunteer at the orphanage told me you could get shoes to make you taller my mind was blown. She thought it was hilarious that this tiny 7 year old boy was so exited about girls heels so he taught me how to walk in them... I wonder what that girl is doing now actually..." he explained.

"And you just went with it?"

"Yeah, even after I got tall I just got used to it"

Well, that was a reason. Not the one you were expecting but a reason nonetheless.

Wait... doesn't he know capoeira? Can he do all those flips and shit in those heels?

"Wait- can you do all your fancy martial arts in those?"

"Yeah. That's why you don't want to have me kick you in the face. Heels hurt, especially if the heel gets in your eye"

Goddamn Light was lucky L wasn't wearing his heels that day. Misa liked to have all shoes taken off on her floor, so that's why he wasn't wearing them.

But with their rivalry, Lights gonna end up with a heel stuck in his eye one day....

The image of this overtired, serious, monotonous detective with so much power in the world wearing the most basic clothes but having super high heels on every second was honestly pretty damn funny. Iconic, but still funny as fuck.

Like, yes, go off you absolute queen but at the same time, it just didn't look normal.

"You can do more in heels than I can and I'm the target audience for those kinds of heels, a girl in her 20s..." you said.

"You... can't walk in heels?" He asked.

"I can stay up it I can't really walk that well, and only in small heels"

"Alright hun, stand up I'm teaching you a thing or two"

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now