Finders keepers

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Head canon: none for this one. idk what the hell this is I just had some random idea.

You stared at the book in your hands, inside we're all the names of the criminals that had died so far. Whoever had this book, was Kira.

It seems so unlike Kira to just... loose something like this, but maybe it wasn't Kira who lost it, maybe someone connected to Kira did.

Death Note.

Was it just a list of names? Or did this have something to do with how Kira killed? Whatever it was you had to get it to L.

"This is something Kira related I can tell... I have to get it to L..."

You turned on your feet to go and run to taskforce but something stopped you.

Behind you was a giant... creature. You jumped out of your skin in fright and fell backwards.

What the fuck was that?

"W-what in the-"

The creature laughed.

"So a taskforce member picked it up? Unlucky for Kira" it said.

"Who are you? What are you?"

"I am the Shinigami Ryuk. That notebook was mine until Kira found it"

"D-do you want it back?"

"Nah, finders keepers. It's the rules of the Death Note, if the book is lost, whoever picks it up is the new owner"

You looked down at the book in your hands. So... according to this god of death, you were now the owner of the book.

"You're not... here to kill me are you?" You asked.

"Nah, I'm only here because the book is. I'm kind of... attached to it? Wherever the book goes, I go"

This guy??? Was real chill??? A literal god of death was standing in front of you and he's not here to kill you, he's just hanging about because he was the original owner of he book.

"So... Kira has this book? Do you know who Kira is?" You asked.

"Yeah, I can't tell you though. If I did that's crate some drama. Plus, I'm not on Kira's side, or L's side. Matters in the human world don't concern me, I'm just here to watch" he replied.

So this was entertaining to him? Well... he's a god of death, morals probably don't matter to him.

"Well... I have to go tell L about this. If you're going to follow me then you better come"

You got up, brushing off your clothes and we're about to run off, but Ryuk stopped you.

"Wait, kid"


"You don't happen to have any apples do you?"


"Yeah I'm hungry"

So you gotta feed this guy too? It's like having a magic pet then?

"We can get some on the way I guess" you said, turning on your heels and beginning to run off into the streets to get to taskforce.

Ryuk followed you as you ran, flying behind you.

"By the way, no one else can see me or hear me unless the touch the book" he said.

"You tell me this now? Ok I'll keep that in mind"

You dashed around the corner and skidded to a halt by a market where you bought a few apples.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now