Theory time! Posible reasons why L was orphaned.

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So I have a few theories I wanna put forward. These could be used in fics too. These are all pretty dark sk trigger warning I guess.

Cheating theory

Ls father cheated on his mother and manger to get custody of L. Leaving the mother behind and taking her child to start a new life with another woman. The new girl didn't like L bc he wasn't her child and ended up convincing his father that he was a mistake and they both ended up not liking L (possibly abusing him) and L was eventually abandoned.

This theory is actually pretty good for fics, it's a sad story that could have a happy ending. Like L finds out who his birth father is, learns of the abuse and cheating, tracks down his birth mother and she ends up being a really nice person that had her son ripped away from her. It could end with L re-connecting with his birth mother and having a mother-son relationship after all those years.

Halloween theory

I've seen this one a lot. Lots of people believe he was abandoned because he was born on Halloween and his parents were superstitious.

Mental health theory.

After his parents realising that L wouldn't be a "perfect child" due to his quirks and mental illnesses, they got rid of him, only wanting a perfect child.

Abuse theory

A theory in which L was taken not abandoned. Maybe the neighbours found out that L was being abused and neglected and CPS put him into the orphanage.

Runway theory

In which L wasn't abandoned, he ran away. He realised his household was abusive and yeeted out of there. Watari found him, took him to the orphanage and agreed to keep him there so he didn't have to go back to an abusive home.

Dead parents theory.

Classic theory. His parents died in a car crash or something and he survived, leaving him with no family and ending up an orphan.

Criminal theory

Both his parents are criminals and went to jail, causing L to be orphaned. This could be a reason as to why he became a detective, he was disgusted at what his parents did and wanted to stop it from happening again.

Unplanned pregnancy theory.

L wasn't planned or a child caused by assault and his mother couldn't take care of him, so she left him.

Saved theory

His mother didn't want him to end up abused by his dad like she was, so she got rid of him to save him. This one could also end in the two reconnecting.

That's all I can really think of. Add in the comments if you have another theory. I'll probably make oneshots out of these.

I'll add one more thing.

If one of the theories about both his parents wanting him gone is true, it's possible they planned it and left the country right after to avoid abuse charges. That's also why L doesn't know who his parents are, because they disappeared and live under assumed names.

I just want a canon reason for L's abandonment damnit. But since there is none, take these theories.

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