Drunken endevours

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A/n: you know I just realised that in both the Japanese and English dub of death note the characters make a lot of noises, like sighing and groaning and all that, someone could make a compilation of all those noises and it probably sound very dirty out of context. Someone get on that actually

Head canon: L can turn into a slut when he's drunk.

You watched the usually serious detective laugh his ass off on the floor with a bottle of wine in his hand.

You left for two minutes...

He never really drank? Why now? What about today made him decide to get drunk? Maybe he was just sick of Lights bull shit and didn't want to deal with him.

Everyone watched him laugh at seemingly nothing, wondering what the fuck was going on. What the hell has gotten into L? Alcohol, what's what.

When he noticed you looking down at him, his face lit up.

"(Yyyyyy/nnnnn) you're back!" He exclaimed.

"Yes I'm back, now get up off the floor you're drunk" you said.

He just continued to laugh. What was even so funny?

You sighed and took the bottle off him, placing it out of reach.

"Uh, (y/n)?" Matsuda asked.


"Has this ever happened before?"

"Only once. But this is definitely worse than last time... and this time it's not my fault"

"Your fault?" Light asked.

"Last time he got drunk it was because I dragged him out to an undercover investigation at a party and he ended up smashed because I made him drink to fit in with the crowd and not be suspicious"

"Did he just laugh the whole time?"

"Yep, well... and something else"

You had a mental flashback to his drunken flirting attempts behind the building of the party. It would have been fine if you weren't bloody working at that time.

The point is... L can get a bit... exited when he's drunk.

The boys gave you a confused look.

"You don't wanna know" you replied.

They assumed it was probably embarrassing and just left it to avoid the second hand cringe they could risk getting from knowing.

You looked back down at L, and you could tell it was already too late, he had a sinful look in his eyes as he looked at you.

The problems of being his girlfriend...

Although... sometimes it's not a problem.

You pulled him up by picking him up from under the arms.

"Come on, you can't be trusted out here"

He wouldn't stand up without you holding him, so you ended up just dragging him out of the room before things got out of hand. You dragged him up to his room and threw him into the bed, slamming the door behind you.

You were mad.

But he was thinking otherwise.

"Ooo we're playing rough are we?" He smirked.

"L I'm not dealing with this, you know what happened last time" you said sternly, crossing your arms.

"You're pretty"

"I know, now if you don't calm down-"

"Like, reeeaallyy pretty"

You seemed to be locked in a starring contest. One lustful gaze and one angry glare.

"L, you've been batshit crazy drunk for at least an hour, and now you suddenly feel the need to act crazy? And get fucking aroused? It's not happening, knowing you when your drunk, you'll pass out mid-way"

He rolled over and sat up crawling to the end of the bed where you stood and gave you a smirk.

"And if I don't?"

This little...

"You will"

His mind was so out of whack because of that fucking wine.

He grabbed onto your shirt and pulled himself up to your height, not getting rid of that damn smirk.

"Buuuttt... what if I don't?"

"I'll end up doing all the work" you said.

"Not if I finish first~"

"Go to sleep L"

"Not without you"

You glared down at him and his stupid condescendingly sly smirk. You could see he wasn't going to stop until he either a) passed out, or b) got what he wanted. That's when the idea came to you.

He was already half way to passing out, why not just shut him up and tire him out at the same time?

"Alright then, you want a kiss, you get a kiss" you smirked.

Before he could protest, you grabbed his collar and pulled him into the most heated kiss you could muster up. Not wasting any time to get some tongue action, not being gentle and going all out. He tasted like the wine he'd been drinking and didn't complain at all about the kiss.

If you just drained him if his remaining energy, he'd pass out and you'd be free of a nagging drunk boyfriend. Although you would have to deal with a hungover one when he woke up, at least what was easier what him being a slut for you around the taskforce or laughing at everything.

When the need for air got the better of you, you pulled away and watched him flop back into the pillows, feeling a lot less energetic.

"What did I tell you?" You teased.

"I'm fine-" he slurred.

You flopped down next to him, knowing he'd be out any second, you wouldn't have to keep up the charade for long.

"Really? Then why aren't you doing anything?"

He tiredly pulled on your arm to bring you closer and gave you another kiss, this time more tired and gentle than the last, and much much shorter. He didn't kiss you again, this time he groaned in pain.

"Ow... my head..." he complained.

"I told you"

"I'm fi-" he was cut off by himself, yawning mis sentence.

You smiled and pulled him into a hug as he began to fall asleep. Even though he tried to fight the sleepiness, and tried multiple times to continue kissing you, the alcohol got the better of him and he finally fall asleep.

You sighed and smiled down at him.


L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now