Love cats

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A/n: I saw some lawlight bullshit pop up on my feed and I was about to just leave it bc I don't like lawlight but then I saw L has cat ears so it gave me the idea for this oneshot. ALSO I HIT THE JAKPOT TODAY. NOT ONLY DID I FIND AN AUTHENTIC LIGHT NENDO FOR $20 I FOUND THREE MORE OF THE OFFICAL LIVE ACTION MOVIE GUIDES. JUST GOTTA WAIT FOR THEM TO ARRIVE NOW. 

Head canon: L doesn't really know how to impress you, so when he found out you liked cats...

L starred intensely at the cat you'd just taken in from the streets, it was cuddles up to you and purring and rubbing against you, you were giving it all this love, all this affection... that's just what he wanted.

It sounded pathetic, L was jealous of a cat, but he was. He just wanted that attention.

"He's very cuddly... I think I'll call him cuddles" you said.

"Aww, that's a good name. So you're going to keep it?" Matsuda said.

"Yep, I've always wanted a cat but they're expensive to buy from pet stores and adoption fees from cat havens are pretty pricy too. Good thing he's not feral, just stray"

L just wanted to be that cat so bad...

"L you look like you want to kill that that" Misa said.

He suddenly snapped back into reality, turning to face her.


"Do you not like cats or something?" Misa asked.

"No, it's just- ugh never mind" he replied.

"You're not jelly of a cat are you?"

Wow, she caught on fast.

"No" he said.

But he was.

"I knew you had a crush on (y/n) but damn"

"I'm not jealous of a cat!"

"You're getting defensive, yes you are"

Shit, he'd been cornered.

"What's it to you?" He said.

"If you like her so much, maybe you should show more interest in cats- wait no I have the perfect thing!" She said, proceeding to jump up and run upstairs.

L watched her leave in confusion, what was she planning. But at this point he was starting to get desperate for your attention so he was willing to listen to Misa's idea.

When she came back, she sat opposite L and held out a collar and cat ears.

"No" he said.

Misa smirked and looked over at you.

"Hey (y/n)!" She called out.

"Yeah?" You replied, turning to face her.

"Wanna see L in cat gear?"

"Um yes"

Misa turned back to L with a smug look on her face. He didn't want to, thinking it was kind of embarrassing but it was getting your attention, so he caved.

"Fine" he said.

Without a second to waste, Misa put Ye ears on him and buckled the collar around his neck.

"Aww look at you, you look like a neko boy" she teased.

He gave her a death glare.

"You look like the boy from Loveless, ahhh you're so cute!" You cooed.

L looked over at you and felt his cheeks go red, loving the praise from you. You got up and walked over to him, teasingly cupping your hands over his cheeks and making him look up at you.

"Look at you, so. Fucking. Cute" you smiled.

If you liked cats that much maybe he'd have to wear cat gear more often.

"S-shut up" he stammered.

"Damnit Misa now you've got me thinking about Nekos" you laughed.

"We should just keep L in that gear all day then"

"Yes please"

"Oh! L, give us a Nya!" You said.

"What?" He replied.

"You know, Nya!"

You demonstrated by doing the paw action with your hands. He was going to say no, but couldn't resist because it was you asking him.

"Nya..." he said, unenthusiasticly.

"AHHH! SO CUUUTEEE!" You cooed.

Cuddles walked over next to you and sat down, looking up at L who gave him a 'who's winning now' look.

"L you're my kitty boy from now on, no questions asked" you said.

"Ugh fine..." he replied.

But he was happy inside. He liked your attention.

Maybe he's have to be a cat boy more often.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now