Cheated part 2

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You waited anxiously with your boyfriend at the entrance to the park. Today was the day he'd finally meet his birth mother. He'd been scared about it all week, but you were making sure he didn't have a mental breakdown just yet.

"I don't know about this..." he said.

"It'll be fine. Plus, it's not like you can turn back now" you replied.

"What if she hates me?"

"Like that would happen. You read her letters. Plus, any mother who had their child unfairly taken form them would be happy to see their son"

Just as those words left your mouth, you looked up, making eye contact with a girl.

She had incredibly thick, long black hair, eyebags and the exact same colour eyes as L. She looked at the both of you with a smile on her face.

She was the one.

You looked over at L who was staring with a look of joy on his face. Without a word, the two of them ran up to each other and wrapped their arms around each other, holding each other tightly. You walked over and smiled, you knew it'd go well.

L didn't have anything to worry about.

"I thought I'd never see you again" she sobbed.

"I seriously thought I'd never find you" L replied.

The hug broke and his mother wiped the tears away with here sleeve.

"Geez child! Where the hell did you get your height from! The last time I saw you I could pick you up in one arm!"

L laughed and shook his head, he always got comment on how tall he was.

"I don't know about height, but I can definitely see where the hair and eyes came from" he replied.

"I've cursed you with the struggle of thick hair, I'm so sorry" she laughed.

You smiled, loving that they were instantly getting along. His mother smiled and put her hands on L's cheeks.

"All these years and you took after me... it's like looking I'm a gender bend mirror... L I'm so sorry I was never there for you"

"It's not like you could help it, everything that happened is dads fault"

She turned to face you and smiled.

"Well, it definitely wasn't my genes that gave you the skill off picking literal goddesses"

You giggled and watched L's cheeks go red.

"W-well it's more like she picked me but I'll take it" he said.

"I'm (y/n)" you said, holding out a hand to shake.

She took it and introduced herself. The more you looked at her, the more resemblance you saw between her and L.

"Thank you for taking care of him when I couldn't, it means the world" she said.

"It's nothing, I just want him to be happy. Although he is a handful, so you know how much sugar this man has to have in his tea? The wrong amount and you're deemed a bad cook"

"Shut up (y/n)" L laughed.

"So you have a sweet tooth too? That's definitely something you got from me"

She looked L up and down and crossed her arms, sighing.

"My own son is taller than me... and I thought I'd stay the tallest in the family..."

You laughed at the comment and L just shook his head.

"Yeah, I get talk about my height all the time" he said.

"You and me both"

"And then there's (y/n)"

"I'M NOT THAT SHORT!" You exclaimed.

After all the introductions, you all went to a nearby cafe to eat. The sweet tooth gene really stood out, both L and his mum out 8 sugars in their tea. Typical.

You watched them talk like no time had passed, like they'd known each other their whole lives. And it turns out the habit L had of sitting the way he does is inherited from his mum, as she had to have one foot up on the chair.

Like mother like son I guess.

You let them talk, you only jumped in when they asked you something, or mentioned you. Or you had some embarrassing story about L to spill. You didn't want to ruin their moment, this was the first time they'd seen each other in 16 years after all.

This poor woman had her own son taken, and only found him again when he was an adult. She ever got to see him grow up, it must be awful.

L got up to go get more cakes, craving the sweet treat as he usually did.

"(Y/n)" his mother said.


"Thank you so much for helping him though all this. He really is in love with you. Even if I never got to see him grow up a mother always knows. Just the way he talks about you tells me you mean everything to him. Thank you so much for taking care of my boy when I couldn't be there" she said.

"I just want him happy and healthy. I love him to bits, I'd never met anything happen to him" you replied.

"Also... how the hell does he stay so skinny? He's eaten like, half the cafe already!"

"I know! I don't understand how he does it"

"How I do what?" L said, coming back with more cake.

"How you're a stick" you replied.

"Oh that? Yeah I dunno either"

You grabbed a piece of cake off him and he gave you a betrayed look.


"Should have acted faster"

It was silent for a moment, before his mother spoke up again.

"So... when I can I expect grandchildren?"

L almost choked on his cake when he heard that. You just laughed and shook your head.

"He can't even take care of himself, let alone a child. I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while" you explained.

"T-that and I'm not sure a child would exactly help with my job"

"Your job?"

You and L gave each other. That's right... his mum isn't aware he's actually THE L.

"Well... guess I better explain..."

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now