Important questions [crack]

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Being on the Kira taskforce is a very serious job. You're catching the worlds most dangerous criminal. But... when sleep deprivation starts to get to everyone.

"Ok but seriously, who's best girl? Who's the ultimate waifu?" Matsuda asked.

"Uh Rem from Re:Zero. Duh" Light replied.

"What? Zero Two is way cuter"

"Uh? Have you seen Rem? She's the ultimate blue haired maid waifu"

"Yeah but... Zero Two, pink hair, calls you 'darling' an absolutely cutie"

The two gave each other a playful glare before simultaneously turning to you and Misa.

"Who's best girl?" They asked in unison.

"You scrubs with your seasonal waifus, Mikasa is superior! She can fight and protects the ones she loves!" Misa said.

"What? No way!! Yeah she's cute and all but come on, ZERO. TWO" Matsuda replied.

"What about you (y/n)?" Light asked.

"Uh (best/girl) duh!"

I everyone was silent for a moment.

"Ok that's a good choice, but REM!" Light said.

"Uh no, Zero Two!"

"No Mikasa!"

"What about husbandos? You smirked.

"Oh! Sebastian from black butler!" Misa said.

"Demon boy? What about Rin from Free, he's ripped" Matsuda replied.

"Nah Tamaki from Ouran is the ultimate pretty boy" Light added.

"Good choices but come on, demon butler that does ANYTHING you say"

"(Y/n)?" Matsuda asked.

"Hmmm... I know we're talking 2D here but can I say someone 3D?" You replied.

Thinking you meant something like a video game character, they nodded in approval. You gave them a smirk and crossed your arms sassily.


L, who had been listening this whole time, suddenly turned to face you in shock and confusion.

"Excuse me what?" He asked.

"You heard me. L is the ultimate husbando. He's got swooshy hair, he's mysterious, he's got power, money, a good sense on justice and he's a snacc. He's the ultimate husdando"

The other three just stayed silent out of shock. You'd just literally confessed your love to L out of nowhere, and so smoothly too.

"Well fine, if you think I'm the ultimate husbando then you're the ultimate waifu! You're sweet, you don't take bullshit, you're pretty and you're not afraid to throw hands to protect someone you like. Waifu material right there" he replied.

That sly little...

"Did you just uno reverse card me?" You asked.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now