Soft spots

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Head canon: you know all of L's sensitive spots, where he'll flinch, where it tickles, where it hurts you know exactly where to touch.

The most sensitive parts of his body, his collar bones, his waist, his spine.

What you did with this information was up to you, and how exactly you wanted to use it, all you knew was that if you ran a finger down his spine, he'd shiver at the touch.

"Wait here, I'm grabbing a drink"

"Wait (y/n)- and she's gone"

You were currently walking back to HQ after sitting the entrance exams, you saw Light, the main suspect, but didn't do anything else. It was a pretty long walk, so you were pretty thirsty. You ran into a nearby shop to get a bottle of water, the line at the checkout isn't that long, so you got in line and waited.

It was boring, you'd been bored all day, they exam was the most boring thing you'd done in a while.

You looked outside, where L was standing by the door, and to your surprise, two girls had come up to him.

At first you thought maybe they were asking for directions, they did have a map in their hands after all, but they seemed to be getting a little close. You could tell from L's tense posture that he was uncomfortable.

It seems these girls liked the emo looking boys then...

You glared out the window as you paid for your drink. You thanked the cashier and went for the door.

"So, you don't look like you're from around here, where are you from?"

"Uh... England..."

"Ooo England! I love their accents~"

L didn't really do well with human interaction, especially flirting. He had no idea what to do, and how close these girls were getting was making him uncomfortable.

Suddenly he felt an arm slip around his waist, making him shiver.

"I'm back, who are they?"

A wave of relief washed over him, it was just you. He felt you tighten your grip on his waist and pull him closer.

"Oh, they just asked for directions" he said.

"To where?"


"Oh, there's a shortcut if you head down the side streets. Turn left on ononizaka street and head west, you'll be there in five minutes" you said, trying to get the girls away.

You gently dragged your fingers across L's waist, of the girls saw he was giving into you, maybe they'd get the idea he wasn't up for grabs and leave. Just as you thought, L flinched at your touch and gave you an annoyed look. He knew that you knew what you were doing.

You smirked up at him, hoping he'd get the idea.

The girls seemed to notice your creeping hands around his waist. They didn't look to pleased, but they got the idea.

"Thank you" one of the girls said.

"Sorry to disturb you, we got kind of lost" the other said.

"That's fine, have fun in Shinjuku"

And with that, they left.

L broke free of your grip and crossed his arms, looking down at you.

"You did that in purpose" he said.

"It got them away didn't it? I could see how uncomfortable you were" you replied.

"Well, I don't really wanna be flinching every two second in public because you touch me"

"You like it"

You turned and began to head back, leaving L standing there for a moment to process what you just said. When he came to his senses, he ran back up to you.

"How the hell would you know I like it?" He said.

"Well, you melt into me whenever I touch you there, and for some reason that particular spot seems to make you all riled up"

"I do not!"

"Explain why you flinched"



L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now