Switching part 3

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You'd learnt a lot about DID because of L... Ryuzaki... his system? Ok let's just call him 'the detective system'.

Through interacting with the detective system you'd learnt so much about what it's like to live with DID and you could clearly see a difference when a different alter was fronting.

You'd only met L and Ryuzaki, the other alter, the aggressive trauma holder wasn't allowed to front so you knew nothing about him. According to Ryuzaki, he knew about you, and actually kind of liked you, but since Ryuzaki and L don't let him front you haven't interacted with him.

You learnt that switching can cause headaches, certain things can trigger a switch, there's positive and negative triggers, some alters don't age and sometimes a switch can go completely unnoticed as the alters know how to act like each other.

Like last week. Ryuzaki was exhausted so he made L front, you couldn't even tell there was a switch until L told you that it was him all along and Ryuzaki was resting.

You learnt about their 'inner world' and what it's like. You learnt that two alters can be co-conscious at one time. You learnt what a host change was and how new alters are born.

It didn't sound like a fun thing to go through at all, but it was definitely very interesting.

They even let you look through their journal. The journal has tons of notes about the system and what alter was doing what. You could see the handwriting change for each alter and there were even some conversations between alters in there. In fact, the alter you know nothing about had a few notes in there from when they were actually allowed to front.

One thing you also noticed is that the whole system absolutely hated Light. L was a little more friendly to others than Ryuzaki was but he had no mercy when it came to Light. How did you know this?

The entry in the journal you saw taking place over a few weeks between Ryuzaki and L. Ryuzaki had written down that Matsuda has screwed something up and underneath that, at a later date, L had written 'calm down, he's just trying to help'.

You cold describe Ryuzaki as the 'tough love' kind of guy. He was cold and kind of harsh, but was just trying to protect the system and those around them. He was a protector after all. L on the other hand was a lot more in touch with emotions, although he didn't understand them that well, he knew when he wasn't felling too good. He was more of the kind to try and see the good in people. Except Light, never Light.

You still didn't know L's real name, the one assigned to the body. But you understood, it wasn't your place to snoop.

Today you were sitting up on Misa's floor with Ryuzaki who was currently fronting, Misa and Light. Ryuzaki has pulled the strange move to handcuff himself to Light. He told you that L was annoyed at him for that because that meant he couldn't front to talk to you, but Ryuzaki insisted it was for the good of the case.

You'd been asked by the system to be in high alert of a switch just in case. Every time you saw Ryuzaki start to dissociate, or saw a switch, you kept close eye on them just in case. Light knowing about the system could be bad, if he found out about the triggers, he'd be using it in harsh ways and be hurting the system.

Misa was going on about how this was 'the lamest date she'd ever been on' and calling Ryuzaki a pervert, to which he just ignored her remarks and took her cake.

You liked the sass Ryuzaki had sometimes, it was kind of funny.

Ryuzaki was talking about how he was upset the case was at a standstill and how he was sure that Light and Misa were Kira but couldn't prove it. You understood the pain, it must be so upsetting to be set all the way back to square one.

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